STJ Minister dismisses TJRJ judge Siro Darlan from office | Rio de Janeiro


Minister Luis Felipe Salomão, of the Superior Court of Justice, ordered the removal, for 180 days, of Judge Siro Darlan de Oliveira, of the Rio de Janeiro Court of Justice.

The magistrate was denounced before the Court by the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) on charges of passive corruption. He is investigated on suspicion of having received R $ 50,000 in exchange for a judicial decision and on suspicion of being involved in a sentence sale plan.

The minister denied an arrest warrant against the judge made by the Federal Police, but ordered the temporary house arrest of four people, one of whom is the son of Siro Darlan.

Investigators say there is evidence of the son and his partner’s involvement with the military. Now, the researchers want to deepen the findings and analyze the evidence that the group also tried to involve other judges who did not know about the scheme.

Salomão authorized the collection of new evidence and also the infractions of the bank (2014 to 2020) and fiscal (2019) secrecy of the judge and others, in addition to the blocking of goods, cars and real estate, which were required by the deputy attorney general of the Republic, Lindôra Maria Araújo.

For the minister, “there are concrete elements of the existence of an organized criminal structure aimed at commercializing judicial decisions within the scope of the Rio de Janeiro State Court of Justice, which appears to have Judge Siro Darlan de Oliveira at its core ”

Judge Siro Darlan, target of the PF operation in Rio de Janeiro

Judge Siro Darlan, target of the PF operation in Rio de Janeiro

In his award-winning statement, Crystian Guimarães Viana, a former controller general of the Resende (RJ) City Council, said that a businessman, who was in prison, ordered the magistrate to be paid.

The PGR declares that Siro Darlan’s preliminary decision to the businessman was effectively granted and that he did not comply with the legal requirements, since the process was not accompanied by the documents necessary for the analysis of habeas corpus. After the violation of telephone confidentiality, the Federal Police found messages that, according to investigators, confirmed the illegal negotiations.

The complaint against Siro Darlan will be heard by the special court of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), which is the forum responsible for analyzing the cases against the judges. There is no deadline for this trial.

The PGR requests that he be sentenced for corruption and also for the payment of collective moral damages in the amount of five times the bribe received. A former assistant judge, who would be responsible for operationalizing the receipt of funds, and the businessman accused of buying the decision are targets of the complaint.
