Stepped out! Find out what the minimum wage and retirement will be in 2021


OR minimum salary it undergoes an annual readjustment in its value to cover the increase in inflation in the country. The same movement will occur in 2021, and there are already forecasts of what the minimum wage will be and the benefits that the National Institute of Social Security will pay (INSS) this year.

Last week the federal government announced an increase in the national minimum wage to R $ 1,100 in 2021. If the amount is confirmed, the increase will be R $ 55 in relation to the current floor of R $ 1,045.

At first, the news indicated that the value would be R $ 1,067, but an increase in inflation greater than expected caused the number to undergo a new change. The latest Focus Bulletin published by the Central Bank estimated inflation for last year at 4.39%.

Retirements in 2021

The benefits paid by the INSS also undergo annual adjustments. This year, pensions and other aid are expected to increase by 5.26%.

This means that the minimum amount paid for a benefit of the Institute must correspond to R $ 1,100, that is, a minimum wage. The ceiling, as the maximum allowed value is called, will be R $ 6,351.20.

When will the new values ​​go into effect?

The adjustments are expected to go into effect nationwide starting this month. It is worth remembering that even more changes can be made to the values.

Although the expectation of an increase in the minimum wage is R $ 55 in relation to the current value, the adjustment must represent a real increase of only 0.9% for those who receive the flat. Although small, the gain increases the purchasing power of the worker.

However, the value should not be enough to represent a real increase for those who earn above the floor. This is because all products registered an increase in 2020, which caused the salary to be five times lower than the average necessary to support a family of four, according to data from the Inter-Union Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (Dieese).

For those who receive

Read more: Minimum salary of R $ 1,088 in 2021 is approved by Congress; know more
