Stéfani Bays has a house invaded by bandits and is held hostage with the family TV news


Stéfani Bays, a former participant in Record’s A Fazenda 12, had his house invaded by bandits last Saturday night (19), in São Paulo. She was taken hostage along with family and friends while criminals robbed her residence. Now without a cell phone, the digital influencer recorded a Stories with his advisor’s device and reassured the fans.

The ex-peoa said she was very nervous, shaky and scared by the situation until two hours after the incident, but that no one was hurt by the bandits. “They took us hostage, but it was just a scare. They were armed, they put a gun to our heads and everything. They made some absurd comments, but be calm. Okay, everything is under control,” he said.

Stéfani also pointed out that after the robbery he left his house because he was traumatized, but he did not reveal where he spent the night. He also stressed that this Sunday (20) he will talk about the subject in more detail.

The invasion occurred when he gathered friends and family at his home, after more than three months of confinement in A Fazenda, which ended last Thursday (17).

The digital influencer ranked third in the competition that enshrined Jojo Toddynho as champion. The night he was released from the confinement, Stefani went to the hospital. In addition to A Fazenda 12, Stéfani has also appeared on MTV’s Holiday with the Ex.

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