State Government confirms orange flag for the Santa Cruz region – GAZ


This Saturday the 9th, the Government of the State of Rio Grande do Sul presents the model of controlled distance, which will enter into force throughout the territory of Rio Grande do Sul on Monday. The system uses 11 indicators, with data on the spread of the new coronavirus and on the health care capacity of the health care network.

The state was divided into 20 regions, to which four flag colors were assigned: yellow, orange, red and black. The flags indicate the severity of the epidemic situation in the analyzed region, with yellow being the least serious and black being the most serious.

In a simplified way, the colors have the following indications:

YELLOW – medium / low risk.
The region has a high capacity of the health system and a low spread of the disease.

ORANGE – medium risk.
It means that the region has one of two scenarios: medium capacity of the health system and low spread of the virus or high capacity of the health system and medium spread of the virus.

RED – high risk.
The region is in one of two scenarios: low capacity of the health system and medium spread of the virus or medium / high capacity of the health system, however, high spread of the virus.

BLACK – very high risk.
The region has a low capacity of the health system and a high spread of the virus.

READ MORE: What data make up the orange flag assigned to the Santa Cruz region?

In presenting the model, the government confirmed the colors considered by region for next week. The Santa Cruz do Sul region, which includes Candelária, Gramado Xavier, Herveiras, Mato Leitão, Pantano Grande, Passo do Sobrado, Rio Pardo, Sinimbu, Vale do Sol, Vale Verde, Venâncio Aires and Vera Cruz, was with the orange flag . Only one of the 20 regions of Rio Grande do Sul, Lajeado, received the red flag.

According to protocols established by the state government, the orange flag, attributed to the Santa Cruz do Sul region, foresees that nightclubs, bars, pubs, cinemas, social clubs, sports clubs and the like remain closed. For the food sector, remote delivery, takeout and restricted face-to-face service are permitted. Restaurants are prohibited from offering buffets. Governor Eduardo Leite clarified, live, that the restrictions on opening hours must be defined by the municipalities.

Commerce, with the orange flag, continues to be able to open its doors, with the preventive measures that were already in force.

According to the state model, the masses and religious services can occur with an individualized service or limited to 25% of the public. However, the municipality may be more restrictive in its rules.

>>> See the government’s PDF with information on what each flag determines for each sector

Complete data, with the protocols for each economic sector, according to the flag assigned to the region, are available on the website The page fell, however, during the live government on Facebook, due to the excessive number of visits. Governor Eduardo Leite said that the technical team works to normalize the operation of the site.

The region of Santa Cruz do Sul is R28

The adoption of the new model, on Monday, will make the use of masks compulsory throughout Rio Grande do Sul, in the streets, establishments and on public transport.

Watch the video showing the model:

With information from the Government of the State of RS

