SP says it will start vaccination of people over 90 years old on 2/8 – 1/29/2021


The São Paulo government announced today that it will begin vaccinating people over 90 against covid-19 starting on February 8. The management of João Doria (PSDB) said that the immunization of the priority group was defined based on the higher mortality in this age group of people infected by the new coronavirus.

According to data from the São Paulo Department of Health, one in three elderly people over the age of 90 who developed covid-19 died. The folder estimates to vaccinate an audience of 206 thousand people in this age group.

One week after the start of immunization of the oldest age group among the elderly, it will be the turn of people aged 85 and over to start vaccinating in the state, on February 15. Currently, the state of São Paulo has been vaccinating health professionals, indigenous people, quilombolas and the elderly living in nursing homes.

Vaccination of the elderly:

  • More than 90 years: from February 8
  • Between 85 and 89 years: from February 15

According to the government of São Paulo, the two age groups add up to 515 thousand people in the state.

The priority takes into account the vulnerability of the age group, as 37% of people over the age of 85 who had COVID-19 progressed to death during the pandemic.
Regiane de Paula, Coordinator of Disease Control of the São Paulo Department of Health

“Yesterday, the secretary [da Saúde] Cowboy [Gorinchteyn] issued a resolution requesting the municipalities of public and private services to report the applied doses of vaccine against covid-19 nominally in the Vacivida system [plataforma do governo paulista para o controle da aplicação das doses]Regiane added.

More doses of CoronaVac

Although São Paulo already has doses of the AstraZeneca / Oxford vaccine, the São Paulo government affirmed that the expansion of the vaccination campaign was possible thanks to new doses of CoronaVac, the vaccine produced by the Butantan Institute.

Today, Doria said that the state will be able to vaccinate the entire target audience of the first phase of vaccination due to a new delivery of Butantan. The institution linked to the São Paulo government released 1.8 million doses to be distributed by the Ministry of Health, through the PNI (National Immunization Program). Of this total, 410 thousand doses are already in São Paulo.

The new delivery brings the total doses supplied by Butantan to the federal government to 8.7 million doses.

“80% of all the vaccines available in the country were provided by Butantan. Eight out of ten Brazilians are being vaccinated with the Butantan vaccine,” Doria said during a press conference at Palácio dos Bandeirantes in São Paulo.

In addition to CoronaVac, the federal government also has the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine for the national covid-19 vaccination plan. Both immunizers await the arrival of supplies from China for the domestic production of doses.

The Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine will be produced in Brazil by Fiocruz (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz), a federal institution. So far, however, production has not started, unlike Butantan, which has been filling and labeling doses in the country since last year.

Vaccination to reduce severe cases of covid-19

Also during today’s interview, government officials said the expectation with these early stages of vaccination is to lower hospitalization rates for severe COVID-19 cases, rather than reduce contagion.

The expectation we have is that, with immunization, we will have a drop in new cases, hospitalizations and deaths. We will start with a reduction in the number of hospitalizations, the most serious events, people who need to be admitted to the ICU and, subsequently, we will have a reduction in deaths.
João Gabbardo, Coordinator of the Covid-19 Contingency Center in São Paulo

“We cannot expect, at this first moment, a reduction in cases, because we are not vaccinating young people, who are more exposed. What we expect with the vaccination gradually is a reduction in serious cases and hospitalizations ”, added Gabbardo.
