Father and mother were dead skin own son stabbing, this Wednesday morning (18), inside the residence where they lived on the street Gilberto Bernardo da Silva, in the neighborhood Marrecos, in the city of Acarape, about 60 km from the capital of Ceará. Delegate Cleidsom Pereira Fernandes, head of the Redenção Municipal Police Station, responsible for the investigations, confirmed the information.
Victims are the driver Ubiraci Lima de Freitas, 54 years old and the housewife Maria Silva de Freitas, 55 years old. The son, suspected of the crime, was identified as Rafael Silva Freitas, 33 years old.
The suspect was tied with a rope until the police arrived, who transferred him to a hospital in Redenção. Then he was taken to the police station in the same city.
According João Bosco, a neighbor of the family, the crime occurred around 6 in the morning and screams could be heard coming from the couple’s residence.
“I woke up 6 hours listening to the screams of the neighbors, because my house is deep with Ubiraci’s house. The moment I ran around the block to find out what was happening, when I arrived, his daughter came running with her hands full blood, saying the parents had died, ”he reports.
The bodies of Ubiraci and Maria das were thrown between the living room and the kitchen of the house. Ubiraci was hit with a hoe on the head, in addition to being stabbed to the throat. The woman, Rafael’s mother, was stabbed to death in the belly.
In a note, the Civil Police of the State of Ceará (PCCE) affirms that Rafael killed his parents while they were still sleeping. At the scene, the Military Police were informed that the crime was motivated after Rafael learned that his parents had the intention of committing him to treat drug addiction. The version is investigated by the police.
The house where the victims lived was isolated by the police
Leábem Monteiro
After the crime, according to Bosco, Rafael was captured by his own brother-in-law, with the help of neighbors. The suspect was tied with a rope until the police arrived, who transferred him to a hospital in Redenção. He was then transferred to the Redenção Municipal Police Station, where he was fined in flagrante delicto for murder.
Drug debt
João Bosco says that Rafael was a drug user and would have a debt with drug traffickers. “The crime was motivated because Rafael was a drug user and owed R $ 6,000 to drug traffickers and asked his parents to pay the debt. His parents refused and were killed,” he said.
Ubiraci was an employee of a paint company. He and his wife Maria were evangelicals and much loved in the region. Rafael did not work and on occasion even helped his father in the service. In addition, the suspect was hospitalized for a year in a rehabilitation clinic.
Couple was stabbed to death by the son inside the residence where he lived, in the city of Acarape.
Personal file
According to a family friend, the teacher Joseph Weyne, Rafael also consumed alcohol and constantly had conflicts with his father. The suspect had even assaulted his father on another occasion. “We saw some scenes of conflict. Last year he hit his father in the garage with an iron cable,” he recalls.
The day before the crime, according to another neighbor, Ubiraci even told him that he saw Rafael sharpening a knife. “I said, ‘Boy, this man came back in.’ And he replied that he thought the clinic was not very good.”
In addition to Rafael, the couple leaves behind a daughter and two grandchildren.