Smoke from the Pantanal can cause black rains on weekends


The arrival of a cold front to the coast of São Paulo can bring part of the smoke from the Pantanal to the state. According to information from Climatempo, the smoke should cover São Paulo on the next 17 and 18 September.

The company explains that the cold front comes from Mato Grosso do Sul and should cause the orange sun effect. “The increase in smoke coverage will favor the greater interaction of the particulate material with sunlight, increasing the chances of having those orange, reddish tones at sunset.”

However, Climatempo noted that the vision of the southeast will not be the same as that of the residents of San Francisco and other cities on the west coast of the United States. “There the amount of smoke is much greater than what we have in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro or Minas Gerais.” There is a possibility that the effect of the orange sun will be even less noticeable since the forecast is rain for the weekend.

In some parts of the state of São Paulo, according to Climatempo, the fires are already causing smoke. In 2020, fires in the state registered an increase of 106% with an acceleration in September, according to information from Inpe.

Risk of black rain

Climatempo does not rule out the possibility of black rain, the same one reported by residents of Rio Grande do Sul. According to experts, the dark-colored water may be the result of the fires that affect the Pantanal.

“[A chuva negra] it depends on the amount of smoke transported to São Paulo on Thursday and Friday, “Climatempo reported. There is also the possibility that the phenomenon will repeat itself in Rio de Janeiro, Triângulo Mineiro and the south-central region of Minas Gerais.
