Sikêra Jr., Bolsonarista and against iso-regulation, would be with coronavirus


Or Bolsonarista presenter Sikêra Jr., from the “National Alert” program on Rede TV, and suspense of being contaminated with coronaviruses. In the meantime, he refuses to make an examination of confirmation. As informações são do colunista Ricardo Feltrin, do UOL.

Second or colunista, or clima na TV A Crítica, in Manaus (AM), onde or program é realized, é de pânico. This is because, in the fourth day (22), Sikêra Jr. has shown symptoms and has contacted dozens of officials.

He chose to have a hard time not being able to finish or program. The symptoms were seen from the beginning of the transmission. You can ask to live for a deixar or study, or “Aninda appears appearing playing various officials, who crowded not study for a farewell (see video mais abaixo).

Nesta quinta (23), ele não apresentou or “National Alert” and, in a phone call, said that it was melhor. No entanto, fontes na TV A Crítica, ouvidas on anonymity hair colunista do UOL, affirm that Sikêra Jr. still presents all the common symptoms of coronavírus (tosse, febre, dor de cabeça e lack of ar). Another aggravating factor is that he lives in Manaus, the most shaven city with coronavirus hair in all or country.

One of two reasons for a recourse in fazer or exame era, second as fontes da coluna, teimosia: Bolsonarista, or presenter fe been one of the two main defenders of the fim da quarentena and gives reopening of trade not country, e não wanted to give or braço a torcer .

In the league for the program in this fifth, Sikêra Jr. confirms that he was “very quick”, that he was negative, and that he plans to return to or work in the second (27). No entanto, a informação não é confiável. Or, you can quickly test for efficiency from five to seven days after starting two symptoms, that when the “markers” of doença appear.
