‘Serial Enem’ will take into account the marks of each high school year in the selection of students for universities | Education


The National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) gave more details, this Tuesday (15), of the “Enem seriado” (National Baccalaureate Exam). In May, the agency had already stated that it would be another way for students to enter higher education.

“Beyond Enem [tradicional], we will have the Enem series. The student will be able to take the Saeb test [Sistema de Avaliação da Educação Básica] in school and compete for higher education places throughout Brazil, ”said Alexandre Lopes, president of Inep, during a press conference.

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The “Enem serial” will be possible after the reformulation of Saeb. Currently, the test is applied every two years, always at the end of each school stage: 5th and 9th grade of primary school and 3rd grade of high school. Students do not receive individual performance reports; the results are calculated together for schools and educational networks.

In the new version, the evaluation will be annual and students of all school stages will participate in the exam.

At the end of high school, each student’s performance will be calculated based on Saeb’s grades for the past three years. From the final score, you will arrive at a grade that can be used in the selection process of universities throughout the country.

That is to say: the performance of the young person who is in the 1st year of high school in 2021 will be added to that of 2022 and 2023, so that he can apply for a post of higher education in 2024.

According to Inep, the qualifications of the “serial Enem” will be used by Prouni (University for All Program), which distributes partial and full scholarships to private universities; and Fies (Student Financing Fund), a program that finances the tuition of private institutions.

It will also be possible to participate in the Sisu (Unified Selection System) and compete for places in public education. However, this will depend on the adherence of the state and federal universities to the “Serial Enem”.

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