Last Saturday, 3, in Live carried out on his Instagram profile, the executive director of the Federal Highway Police (PRF), José Hott, stated that the corporation can hold the PRF contest in 2020. However, for this to happen, it is necessary that the guarantee comes out at the end of this month.
“We are ready to launch [o edital] this year. If the authorization is published in October, the announcement is published later that year. There are at least 30 days between authorization and publication of the notice, ”said Hott.
It is important to mention that the PRF already has the project notice Basic ready and negotiations in progress advanced. In this case, as soon as the event is authorized by the Official Gazette of the Federation, the corporation will begin to publish the document more quickly.
Vacancies PRF 2020
The PRF has already confirmed two public tenders, with 2,634 upper-level vacancies for the position of federal highway police and 138 mid-level positions for the position of administrative agent. In total, 2,772 vacancies will be filled in the next teams.
According to the commission formed by the corporation, the vacant positions will initially be oriented towards a police career, which requires higher education. Regarding mid-level opportunities, the PRF reported that, at the moment, there are no internal movements for the selection to be carried out promptly.
Following the announcement by President Jair Bolsonaro (no party), the number of the next PRF selection is estimated to be one of the largest in history. The event is one of the most popular in the country, as it has salary between R $ 4,022.77 (medium level) and R $ 10,357.88 (upper level).
Also read: The Federal Police Contest will have 349 places for intermediate level! Earnings up to R $ 4 thousand