The interest of the Secretary of State for Finance (Sefaz) in holding a public tender by the end of 2021 was confirmed on the afternoon of Thursday 19, but it will depend on the Fiscal Responsibility Law (LRF). The agency’s communications office said it is currently understaffed and many public officials are expected to retire next year.
Although the exact number of vacancies that will be opened has not yet been defined, it is speculated that it is safe to hire a higher level for the positions of State Revenue Auditor, State Treasury Auditor, State Treasury Specialist and Technician.
In addition to vacancies for economics specialists, higher education vacancies for law and secondary education should also be opened, as the gap also affects administrative and support staff. The average salary for new hires ranges from R $ 3.5 thousand (medium level) to 18 thousand (higher level).
“We want you to have [concurso público] next year, valid for two years, extendable for two more years. As soon as there is a limit in the Fiscal Responsibility Act (LRF) to call those approved because our staff is already very small and many may be retiring by the end of next year. For now, we are in the study phase for the end of next year ”, explained the undersecretary of the estate Breno Azevedo.
See the latest public announcement of the Sefaz public tender held in 2009 by clicking here.