See who will receive the NEW R $ 300 emergency aid card


THE profit of R $ 300 was created to help subscribers Unique Registry (CadÚnico) during a new coronavirus pandemic. The amount can be paid for up to three months and was created to help with basic expenses during the crisis.

The new R $ 300 emergency aid card has already begun to deliver. In total, more than 2,800 families in Vitória will receive the benefits distributed by the Municipal Secretariat for Social Assistance (Semas). The number of families was completed after crossing data with the federal government.

Up to three installments can be paid, totaling R $ 900 for the beneficiaries. The action aims to help families who lost income during the new coronavirus crisis.

Among the prerequisites to receive is not to receive emergency aid of R $ 600, the family must be registered in the Single Registry until June 13, 2020 and the family has an income per person of at least half of the minimum salary per capita (R $ 522.50).

To avoid overcrowding, Semas will inform the beneficiaries of the place where the card will be delivered. The city will have different distribution points. Until then, there is no information on what action other cities are taking.

Are you registered in Bolsa Família y Cadastro Único? Learn how to access the application with benefits

The Federal Government offers jobs, free courses and loans for those registered in Bolsa Família and Cadastro Único. Learn more about the benefits and the app, called Progress.

In the application, you can register your resume, which is available for institutions that offer job vacancies. When creating the curriculum, it is possible to check if there are job vacancies offered by Progredir partners in your region. It is also possible to filter vacancies by different parameters.

The Progredir app also offers job market qualification courses. There are courses on personal finance (how to take care of your money, make investments, savings), entrepreneurship (how to run your business), digital technology (how to use a computer, surf the internet, create applications and online games), among others.

In addition to income support, families who receive Bolsa Família now have a line of credit, known as microcredit. The idea of ​​the Progredir program is to help increase income with:

  • Small business development: either by opening a store or establishing your snack sales scheme in the region, for example.
  • Or even improve the housing and education conditions of your family.