See the list of cities in Minas Gerais that can resume face-to-face classes – General


The municipalities have
Municipalities will have the freedom to return to classes in October (photo: Jair Amaral / EM / DA Press)

Amid the controversy over the Back to school face-to-face in Minas after six months, only 86 municipalities in the state will be able to reopen primary schools as of October 5, according to the program’s rating. Conscious mines – created by the state to help the economy resume. The cities in question are currently on the green wave, a stage considered the safest to make activities more flexible.

According to the state, even the municipalities of green wave Those who have not joined the program can return to classes. The decision to sink responsibility of mayors, which can authorize the operation of schools. In this sense, even if it is in the ideal classification, not all cities will be able to start the activity.

The government said that Belo Horizonte, which was not included in the Conscious Mines program, could authorize the return of educational institutions. But Mayor Alexandre Kalil (PSD) published a decree in the Official Directory of the Municipality (DOM) that establishes that all public and private schools will have their licenses suspended indefinitely and will not be released to open the doors.

With just over 200 thousand inhabitants, Divinpolis, on the other hand, has already announced that it will follow the protocol of the state government and announced the return of school activities. According to the municipality, attending classes will be optional. Today, the directors of the institutions must present Sanitria surveillance a return plan, which includes rules for students and teachers to follow. The city also published general rules, such as taking staggered shifts, using physical barriers and presenting vaccination cards.

On the other hand, Caet, with a population of 44,000 people, which is also on the list released by the government, now rules out the return of the school year due to the risks of contagion with the coronavirus. The same case applies to Itapecerica, in the Midwest, which will wait for the numbers to stabilize to authorize a safer return.

Criteria in macro and micro regions

Currently, in addition to the definitions by city, the government adopts the classification by state micro-regions. Only the North is on the green wave and therefore is allowed to return to school. On Thursday (24), the state announced that the Central-South, West and Tringulo-Sul regions had fallen to the level and the yellow wave returned, in the intermediate phase. The phase includes the relaxation of some non-essential services, such as beauty sales, clothing stores, sports activities and social clubs, and beauty and aesthetic sales. In this sense, several micro-regions are already behind in the race to go back to school.

“In situations that require a little more caution, we invite municipal managers to participate in the meetings that are usually held in the macro-regions. The objective is to understand more clearly and guide according to the scenario that is presented in the city ”, explains the Undersecretary of State for Health of Minas Gerais, Marcelo Cabral.

Conscious mines

In the Minas Consciente update, the government reported that 647 municipalities have already joined the program, which would have an impact on more than 14 million miners. If the micro-region and the macro-region, where the city is inserted, are in different waves than the plan, the mayor can rightly decide which wave to follow. However, the government’s guidance for cities to always take a more conservative stance on this decision, choosing to wait another week to advance a safer wave.

List of cities released by the government to reopen schools:
