See locates the hiding place of Adriano da Nóbrega’s mother and puts pressure on the Bolsonaro clan


Mother of the former captain of the Bope Adriano da Nóbrega, a militiaman killed in a police operation, Raimunda Veras Magalhães, 70, lives in Astolfo Dutra, in the interior of Minas. The MP-RJ considers that he is a key witness to reveal details of a scheme that fed the account of ghost employees in Alerj, where Flávio Bolsonaro was serving his term before being elected to the Senate edit

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247 – Mother of the former captain of the Bope Adriano da Nóbrega, a militiaman murdered in February this year in a police operation in Bahia, Raimunda Veras Magalhães, 70, lives in the city of Astolfo Dutra, in the interior of Minas Gerais. The information was published by Veja. Prosecutors see her as a key witness in revealing details of a scheme that fueled the account of ghost workers, like her. The money had other destinations. Both she and the ex-wife of the police officer worked for the office of Flávio Bolsonaro (Republicans) when the current senator held a seat in the Legislative Assembly of Rio (Alerj).

Suspected of being involved in the murder of former councilor Marielle Franco (PSOL), the militiaman would have left around R $ 10 million in assets for his mother. He owned farms, houses, apartments, racehorses, businesses, all in the name of oranges. Doña Vera provided a deposit for the purchase of one of the farms, in Tocantins. He is also a member of three restaurants in the North Zone of Rio. In one, the son officially participated.

The deputy even tried to warn Raimunda by knocking on the door of a daughter, who did not reveal where her mother was. To find out where they live, investigators tracked the cell phone of Márcia Aguiar, wife of Fabrício Queiroz, the former aide to Senator Flávio Bolsonaro (Republicans).

In December 2019, Márcia met Raimunda, along with attorney Luis Gustavo Botto Maia. The idea was to make an escape plan for the Queiroz family. “I have nothing to say. I lost my son and I don’t want to talk to anyone anymore,” she said shyly when she found Veja’s story.

Some neighbors define Doña Vera as a “living archive”. “We are afraid that someone will come here, come out with a gun and end up in the hands of whoever is,” said one of them.

According to the MP, based on his cell phone tracking, he was not going to work. She was a “phantom adviser,” which the defense denies.

His defense maintains that this is not the case, since Raimunda always changed his cell phone on the recommendation of his son.

Flávio Bolsonaro and Queiroz

Queiroz was arrested on June 18 in Atibaia (SP), where he was hiding on property that belongs to Frederick Wassef, then Flávio’s lawyer, then left the parliamentary defense. According to a report from the former Council of Financial Activities (Coaf), Queiroz carried out atypical financial transactions. It was R $ 7 million from 2014 to 2017, according to agency calculations.

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