SEE how the payment of benefits and social security will be via Digital Savings


A Chamber of Deputies gave positive support to the text of provisional measure (MP) that frees the use of digital savings to receive social benefits paid by the Federal Government, states and municipalities. The details have already been published.

Currently the application is used for payments emergency help me Service Guarantee Fund (FGTS), the new tool should include social security benefits, such as retirement and sickness benefits.

In addition, the report approved by the deputies will allow the financial institution to issue a physical card for handling. The text is valid until October 10, the deadline for the Senate to analyze the MP’s proposal.

Initially, the MP sent by the Executive excluded social security benefits from the proposal. However, the rapporteur on the matter, Mr. Gastão Vieira (PROS-MA), decided to include the possibility provided, in this case, there is a prior request from the beneficiary. The new version also allows savings holders to receive credits.

“More than the simple structure used to pay emergency benefits, we see the opportunity to seize the opportunity to deepen the banking inclusion of the Brazilian population,” said the parliamentarian in the opinion.

According to the deputy, a 2018 report published by the Central Bank showed that 58% of adults did not have a bank account due to lack of money, or because they considered bank costs high.

Digital social savings

According to the proposal, digital social savings should:

  • sea R $ 5,000 limit, which can be extended at the request of the beneficiary. The National Monetary Council (CMN) can also increase this amount.
  • be be exempt from charging maintenance fees;
  • provide, at least three electronic value transfers per month, free of charge, for accounts at any bank;
  • sea movement, preferably through digital channels;
  • admit to digital signature contracts and declarations.

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In addition, in the event that the digital savings account is closed by the beneficiary through remote service channels, the account can be transformed into a demand deposit or savings account in the name of the holder.

Banks will also be prohibited from making discounts to offset past debts.

Account opening

The digital social savings account can be automatically opened for payment:

  • the payment of the Emergency Employment and Income Preservation Benefit, offered to those who have a proportional reduction and working hours and salary or temporary suspension of the employment contract;
  • the monthly emergency benefit to employees with an intermittent employment contract formalized until April of this year;
  • wage subsidy;
  • Withdrawals from the Severance Fund (FGTS);
  • deposits of social benefits of the Union, the states, the Federal District and the municipalities, excluding social security benefits.

The Provisional Measure (MP) determines that the emergency withdrawal amounts from the FGTS will be available in the digital account until November 30. If they are not withdrawn, they are returned to the employee’s FGTS account.

Regarding the withdrawal of the FGTS (emergency), the text of the Provisional Measure refers to another deputy who released the funds but lost its validity because it was not voted on time in Congress.

In other fund withdrawal possibilities, the money will be available for 90 days before being returned to the beneficiary’s linked FGTS account.

See also: FGTS, PIS and assistance of R $ 600: What to receive? See the list
