
A video of a security officer addressing two black boys what lanchavam na praa de alimentao do ViaShopping Barreiro, in Belo Horizonte, is causing riots on social media. This is because, according to witnesses, the youths did nothing wrong and the security guard’s “attack” was motivated by the color of their skin.
According to witnesses, the child and the adolescent, carried bags of sweets and snacks, bought snacks in the shopping center with the money they collected by selling products on the streets of the mining capital.
ViaShopping Barreiro said, by note, that it repudiates “any type of discrimination suffered in its spaces.”
“Our premise is to welcome everyone; we are a plural, diverse environment that offers positive experiences, and any attitude that does not corroborate it will be vehemently opposed. We will fight so that all people enjoy ViaShopping Barreiro with dignity and respect, ”wrote the shopping center.
In social networks, Internet users are punished for security and organized a boycott of the shopping center. Slogans such as “black lives matter” and “racism never again” were included in the posts.
See impact:
A security guard tried to stop two black children from eating sandwiches at the ViaShopping Barreiro food court in Belo Horizonte.
They bought with their own sales money and wanted to sit down to eat.
Does this happen to young white people?
% u2014 Jonas Di Andrade (@jonasdiandrade) November 27, 2020
Thank God we took the kiosk out of @_ViaShopping % uD83E% uDD22% uD83E% uDD22 It would be a shame to be part of a place that hires and admits prejudice and racism% uD83D% uDC4E% uD83C% uDFFC
% u2014% uD835% uDCD0% uD835% uDCF7% uD835% uDCF0% uD835% uDCEE% uD835% uDCF5 (@_rayssa_kelly) November 27, 2020
Racism scene on viashopping I shudder with rage
% u2014 ana (@_almeidoca) November 27, 2020
* Internship under the supervision of the publisher Liliane Corra