Secretaries of Health request the Covid-19 vaccination program to acquire all vaccines with proven efficacy | Vaccine


The National Council of Health Secretaries (CONASS) and the National Council of Municipal Health Secretaries (CONASEMS) reiterate the defense of the incorporation by the National Immunization Program (PNI) of all vaccines against Covid-19, with recognized effectiveness and security, especially those that are already being tested in Brazil, also considering the need to achieve immunization of the entire Brazilian population, as soon as possible, ”the secretaries said in a note.

The entities warned about the dangers of a lack of national coordination and the possible adoption of different schedules and priority groups for vaccination in different states, which would hinder universal access to the vaccine in Brazil.

The document also affirmed that the PNI is a Brazilian heritage that must be transparent and guided by the foundations of Science and the interests of the population.

In an interview with Globonews in November, the president of Conass, Carlos Lula, had already defended that Brazil has national measures coordinated by the federal government in the immunization program against the coronavirus.

VIDEOS: everything you need to know about the coronavirus
