With 100% according to data from the TSE (Superior Electoral Court), Melo had 200,280 votes (31.01% of the votes), compared to 187,262 for Manuela, which represents 29% of the votes.
Manuela Pinto Vieira D’Ávila is 39 years old and has completed higher education. Declared equity of R $ 455 thousand.
Compete for the city of Porto Alegre for the third time. He was a councilor for the Capital, a federal and state deputy. The vice candidate is Miguel Rossetto, from the PT.
Sebastião de Araújo Melo is 62 years old and has a full degree. Declared equity of R $ 458 thousand.
He was deputy mayor of the Capital, under José Fortunati. In the last elections he ran and reached the second round. Nelson Marchezan Júnior was elected at that time.
Check the electoral numbers in Porto Alegre
- Melo – 31.02%
- Manuela – 29%
- Marchezan – 21.07%
- Juliana Brizola – 6.41%
- Fernanda Melchionna – 4.34%
- Valter – 3.10%
- João Derly – 2.94%
- Gustavo Paim – 1.24%
- Rodrigo Maroni – 0.51%
- Montserrat Martins – 0.22%
- Julio Flores – 0.13%
- Luiz Delvair – 0.02%