‘Se não tem norma, faz’, says Bolsonaro on the reopening of academies and salons of beauty – 05/12/2020 – Everyday


Or President Jair Bolsonaro (sem party) disse nesta terça-feira (12) that, o Ministério da Saúde does not have prompt rules to guarantee the reopening of academies, beauty salons and barbearias, deve, então, providenciá-las.

“It is written: following the norm of the Ministry of Health. It is not the norm, face,” Bolsonaro said this afternoon during a passage to the Palácio do Planalto ramp.

On February 2 (11), Bolsonaro published a decree including these three items on the list of essential activities. Ao to be questioned about isso in a collective interview, or minister da Saúde, Nelson Teich, demonstrates his surprise.

O president said that the inclusion of activities does not have the role of an essential authority. “[Se] At every moment that a profession appears, it will be linked to the minister, not to the job, “he said.

Asked about what criteria he had endowed to make a decision, he wanted no more to answer on the matter. “Chega de pergunta”, disse Bolsonaro.

The president returned to criticize governors who declared that they will not comply or a federal decree that included as activities essential academies, beauty salons and barbeques.

“Or I walk so that I do not want to comply or decree, you are afraid: a little bit of justice or a draft of a legislative decree that is not in Congress. Final decision. For that reason, I am disobeying a supreme order. [Tribunal Federal], é a mesma coisa. Democracy is based on this formula. Eu já entrei with draft legislative decree, when eu was deputado, not passed, against decree of president “, disse o chefe do Executive.

Mais cedo, as critiques foram em uma rede social. “You governors who cannot agree with a decree that can be accepted by the Justiça ou, via Congressman, enter as a project of a legislative decree,” Bolsonaro said, not on Facebook. “Or confront or democratic state of direito é or pior caminho, outcrop or undesirable authoritarianism not Brazil. We do not intend to attend milhões de profissionais, to humble maioria, that desjam to return to o trabalho e levar saúde e renda à população”, he concluded.

Protected by decisions of the STF (Supreme Federal Court), governors disseram that will ignore or presidential decree.
