Schedule changes for emergency assistance with fees of R $ 300; look how it was


(Rmcarvalho / Getty Images)

SAO PAULO – Caixa Econômica Federal unveiled, this Wednesday (30), a new emergency aid calendar that covers the payment dates of R $ 300 installments, but also anticipates the deposits of the benefit of R $ 600 for those who you have not yet finished receiving the five highest value installments.

In April, when the benefit payment began, the federal bank organized the credit of the amounts in batches. Then in mid-July, he rearranged the calendar for a cycle system.

For the R $ 600 installments, the government organized the payment in four cycles. Until this Wednesday (30), cycles 1 and 2 were finished. On October 9, cycle 3 would begin, with subscription for workers born in January. And on November 16 the fourth and final cycle would begin.

What has changed is that the beginning of cycles 3 and 4 has been advanced to September 30 and October 30, respectively. In addition, two new cycles (5 and 6) were added, the last being on December 29.

On this last date, the benefit deposit will have been paid to all workers approved to receive the five installments of R $ 600 or the installments (which can vary from one to four) of R $ 300, since the aid ends in December. .

It should be remembered that all those approved will receive five installments of R $ 600, but those who were approved after April will receive fewer installments of R $ 300 (understand how many installments they will receive, depending on the month of entry into the program).

Withdrawals of the benefit extension fees are extended until January 27, since the dates of redemption and transfer of the money follow a different calendar.

According to Pedro Guimarães, president of Caixa, the idea is to standardize the calendars. Thus, workers who wait for the final contributions of R $ 600 and workers who are entitled to contributions of R $ 300 receive the following amounts on the same dates.

“Therefore, from now on there will be six cycles that will cover all workers. We will pay on the same dates and in the same existing cycles so that we do not have to create calendars for each new round of credit. In practice, on the dates of calendar cycles 3 and 4, workers in both groups [das parcelas originais e das cotas residuais] they will receive the amounts simultaneously, ”Guimarães explained.

That is to say, between September 30 and November 20 (cycles 3 and 4) all workers who are entitled to the R $ 600 quotas will receive credit for the remaining quotas, according to the anniversary month.

In the same period, the beneficiaries eligible for the extension of the benefit also receive the first two installments of R $ 300 (understand how it is working here).

And between November 22 and December 29 (cycles 5 and 6) only the beneficiaries of the R $ 300 installments receive the amounts, since the people covered with the original aid have already been paid.

Taking into account the updates, understand what the payment calendars are like according to the new cycles announced by Caixa and what the beneficiaries should be aware of, since the way of interpreting the calendars is a little different depending on the type of assistance the person is receiving . , the original or the residual.

Check out:

A) Beneficiaries of R $ 600

In the case of installments of R $ 600, workers must find their birth month in cycles 3 and 4. This is because the end of the fourth cycle also marks the end of the payment of the five installments of the aid of originally proposed emergency.

It is worth remembering that it does not matter what portion the worker will receive. The idea is that all workers in February, for example, receive their respective quotas of R $ 600, no matter which one, on the same day.

For example: Maria and João were born in February. She awaits the fourth installment and he the fifth. Both will receive the values ​​on October 5 of cycle 3, according to the updated calendar because they were born in the same month.

The logic is valid for all months and installments of R $ 600. All those approved will receive credit for the five installments in Caixa’s Digital Social Savings until November 20 and can withdraw the amounts until December 5.

B) Beneficiaries of R $ 300

In the case of recipients of residual emergency aid, in addition to the anniversary month, we must pay attention to the month that received the first installment of R $ 600 of the aid. This last criterion is the one that determines the number of installments that the person will receive.

This means that only workers who received their first tranche of aid in April will be entitled to a total of four tranches. Those who started receiving aid in July, for example, will only pocket a part of R $ 300 (more information here).

This variation in the number of installments occurs because the worker can only receive the extension of the aid after the deposit of the five installments of R $ 600 is finished, in addition to needing to meet the new eligibility criteria (click here to understand best).

To better understand:

Month in which you began to receive R $ 600 Help Month in which you received the fifth and last installment of the R $ 600 Aid Month in which the receipt of the extension of R $ 300 begins Cycle that marks the beginning of the R $ 300 credit Number of installments of R $ 300 that will be received
April August September Cycle 3 4 installments
May September October Cycle 4 3 installments
June October November Cycle 5 2 installments
July November December Cycle 6 1 plot

Thus, for example: Ana received her first delivery in April and was born in October. You must look at cycle 3 and the month of your birthday to find the credit date for the securities. Thus, you will receive four installments of R $ 300, the first of which will be on October 28.

On the other hand, Pedro, who was born in May and received his first installment in June, must find his birth month in cycle 5. In this other example, he receives credit for his first of two installments on November 30.

General calendar

Check the calendars organized by the four cycles:

Cycle 3

Birth month Date of benefit credit in Digital Savings Date for the user to withdraw or transfer the amount
Janeiro September 30th November 7
February October 5th November 7
March October 7 November 14th
April October 9 November 21
May October 11th November 21
June October 14th November 24
July October 16 November 26
August October 21 November 28
September October 25 November 28
October October 28 December 1st
November October 29th December 5th
December November 1st December 5th

Cycle 4

Birth month Date of benefit payment in Digital Savings Date for the user to withdraw or transfer the amount
Janeiro 30th of October November 7
February November 4th November 7
March November 5th November 14th
April November 6th November 21
May November 8th November 21
June November 11th November 24
July 12th of November November 26
August November 13 November 28
September November 15 November 28
October Nov. 16 December 1st
November November 18th December 5th
December November 20 December 5th

Cycle 5

Birth month Date of benefit payment in Digital Savings Date for the user to withdraw or transfer the amount
Janeiro November 22th Decembre 19th
February November 23 Decembre 19th
March November 25 January 4th
April November 27 Jan 6
May November 29th January 11
June November 30 January 13th
July December 2nd January 15
August December 4th January 18th
September 6th of December January 20
October December 9 January 22
November December 11 January 25
December December 12th January 27th

Cycle 6

Birth month Date of benefit credit in Digital Savings Date for the user to withdraw or transfer the amount
Janeiro December 13 Decembre 19th
February December 13 Decembre 19th
March December 14th January 4th
April December 16 Jan 6
May December 17 January 11
June Dec. 18 January 13th
July December 20th January 15
August December 20th January 18th
September December 21 January 20
October December 23th January 22
November December 28th January 25
December December 29 January 27th

Beneficiaries with revalued registration

Caixa also confirmed on Wednesday (30) that 492 thousand registered in the aid had their registration re-evaluated and validated by the Ministry of Citizenship after having challenged any inconsistency.

They will also receive the five installments of R $ 600, but since there is no time to pay five monthly installments until the end of the year, this group will receive the first installment in cycle 3, the second in cycle 4, the third in cycle 5 and two in cycle 6, depending on the month of birth.

To check the precise receipt dates, just look at the weights (in “A”) and calendars mentioned above.

Aid balance

So far, the total number of beneficiaries of the program is 67.2 million and R $ 213.8 billion have already been paid, according to the most recent data from Caixa.

According to the federal bank, more than 200 thousand records of people who did the challenge are still under analysis. If approved, they can be included later in the payment schedule, also receiving the five installments of R $ 600 until December.

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