Sara Winter records video disappointed with Bolsonaro and cries a lot


It is not easy to be a fellow in Brazil. What will the extremist Sara Winter, a staunch supporter of the Jair Bolsonaro government (without a party) say? On Monday morning the 5th saw her name dawn on the trending topics on Twitter, as one of the most talked about topics of the day, after recording a video in which he says he is very disappointed with the position of Bolsonaro and the Minister of Women, Family and Human Rights, Damares Alves.

sara winter

Credit: Playback / InstagramSara Winter is very disappointed with Bolsonaro and Damares and records video crying

“Many people asked me what was done, who supported us, from the Damares ministry: nothing was done. No visits from Damares, nothing (…) There are times when I just wanted to scream and scream and yell for someone to help me, but there is no one. I will have to get up and solve my problems. And there is no Bolsonaro to help or Damares to help, ”he says in one of the videos.

Some Bolsonarista Internet users criticized the extremist for her outburst and called her a “traitor.” “Neither Bolsonaro nor Damares asked you to do the ‘300’, nor to call Alexandre de Moraes a robbery and invite them to exchange blows,” wrote a profile.

In an interview with the scholarship portal Brasil Sem Medo, published this Sunday the 4th, Sara calls herself the “canceled” of the Brazilian right. It also reinforces the feeling of feeling “abandoned” by the Bolsonaro government for not having received support when it was arrested. “I feel institutionally abandoned. Ministry of Justice, nothing. Ministry of Human Rights, nothing. The President of the Republic himself, nothing, he didn’t even call, ”he said in the interview.

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