São Paulo highways register intense movement of vehicles in the descent to the coast this Friday | Saint Paul


São Paulo roads show a strong movement towards the São Paulo coast on Friday (11), the day the city of São Paulo broke a new record for winter heat and equaled the highest temperature of the year measured by Inmet. According to the concessionaire Ecovias, the Imigrantes highway has more than 18 kilometers of congestion towards the coast, between Kms 32 and 50.

On the Anchieta highway, the vehicle line reaches 3 kilometers in length at the exit of the capital, in the toll section, height of Km 31.

According to Ecovias, since zero hour on Friday (11), almost 61.4 thousand vehicles have descended through the Serra towards the coast until 9:00 p.m. The figure is similar to that registered at the same time as last Friday (4), the eve of the Independence holiday, when there was a large flow of vehicles leaving the city due to the heat and the prolonged holiday.

At that time, even with a pandemic, more than 200 thousand vehicles went down to the coast during the three days of the party and the beaches of Baixada Santista were full.

This Friday (11), the Anchieta-Imigrantes System is in Operation 7×3. For the descent, drivers use the north and south lane of via Anchieta and the south lane of Imigrantes. The ascent to the mountains, on the other hand, is done only in the northern lane of Imigrantes.

Movement on the descent to the coast along the Imigrantes highway, at the time of the toll, this Friday (11). – Photo: Ecovias / Promotion

This Friday (11) the capital of São Paulo registered the highest average temperature of the year, with 33.7 ° C, a value that equaled the maximum of January 27, according to the measurements of the automatic meteorological station of the National Institute of Meteorology. (Inmet) in Mirante de Santana, North Zone of the capital.

In the Interlagos region, in the South Zone, the Inmet automatic station registered an even higher number: 34.2 ° C, the highest temperature since January, when the site was 34.4 ° C on 16 and 34.5 ° C on the 1st day.

The temperature in São Paulo is related to the summer maximum

The temperature in São Paulo is related to the summer maximum

Relative air humidity was the third lowest of the year this Friday. The minimum humidity registered by the Mirante de Santana automatic station, which has a more sensitive device than the conventional one and detects instantaneous humidity fluctuations, was 16%. On Thursday (10), the minimum was 15%, a value that was equal to that of Sunday (6) and was one percentage point higher than the 14% registered on January 27.

The maximum average temperature for the month of September is 24.4 ° C but, since day 2, the average has been affected in the capital. This Friday (11), the thermometers marked more than 9 degrees above average

Attendees cool off in a vaporizer in Ibirapuera Park, in the southern part of São Paulo, this hot Friday (11) in the city. In view of the hottest days recorded since the beginning of the month, the State Civil Defense issued a risk alert due to high temperatures and low relative humidity until Sunday (13). – Photo: ALEX SILVA / ESTADÃO CONTEÚDO

The explanation for this atypical winter is at the south pole. According to meteorologist César Soares, this is because the cold waves were restricted to Rio Grande do Sul.

“We had two strong cold waves that reached the southeast, but the big problem is that throughout this winter we did not have as much presence of the polar air masses because they did not arrive with such power here,” he explains.

“They were more concentrated in southern Brazil, especially in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, and the polar jet could not rise so far to the southeast to favor the transport of these air masses,” said the meteorologist.

Movement of regular customers in Parque da Aclimação, in the south of São Paulo, on this hot Friday in the city. – Photo: TIAGO QUEIROZ / ESTADÃO CONTEÚDO

Low humidity alert

The capital entered a state of attention due to the low relative humidity of the air starting at 1:20 pm this Friday (11), according to the Municipal Coordination of Civil Defense (Comdec). The level of care occurs when the rate is less than 30%. The ideal moisture content, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is 60%.

The Civil Defense issued an alert for a strong heat wave, with critical levels of humidity, from Wednesday (9) to Sunday (13). The maximum will be up to 35 ° C in the Greater SP and in the regions of Registro, Santos, São José dos Campos, North Coast, Campinas and Itapeva, and from 35 ° C to 38 ° C in Sorocaba, Ribeirão Preto, Bauru, São José de Rio Preto, Araçatuba, Presidente Prudente, Marília, Araraquara, Barretos and Franca.

SP Civil Defense issues warning for high temperatures and low air humidity until Sunday (13) – Photo: Reproduction / Civil Defense

The vice president of the Brazilian Association of Cardiology, Celso Amodeo, says that dry weather can cause serious health problems and reinforces that it is necessary to drink a lot of water and be careful with physical activities in the coming days.

“For people who play sports, it is essential that they try to play early in the morning, or later in the afternoon, to escape the more intense heat. Hydration is important before, during and after physical activity, ”explains Amodeo.

Strong heat and dryness take over the capital

Strong heat and dryness take over the capital

Forecast for the next days

Air humidity is expected to decrease further in the coming days. On Saturday and Sunday, the indicator should be around 16%. The heat also continues: on Saturday, the thermometers should reach 35 ° C and, on Sunday, the maximum is 33 ° C.

According to the CGE, a mass of hot and dry air is intensifying in much of the southeastern and midwestern regions of the country, which should bring high temperatures and very low levels of relative humidity.

Movement of patrons in Ibirapuera Park, in the south of São Paulo, this Friday (11) of heat in the city. Faced with the hottest days recorded since the beginning of the month, the State Civil Defense issued a warning of risk due to high temperatures, low relative humidity and a sensation of intense heat in the State of São Paulo until next Sunday the 13th – Photo: CONTENT OF ALEX SILVA / ESTADÃO

According to Inmet, the weather should change sharply next Monday (14). It is hot until the early hours of Monday afternoon, and the maximum is still above 33 ° C, but from mid to late afternoon the passage of a cold front across the ocean and the transport of moisture from the southeast winds soften the temperature, according to Inmet.

The cold front arrives with the possibility of drizzle or isolated drizzle throughout the eastern state of SP, including the capital, which remains throughout Tuesday (15) with more cloudiness and maximum weather that should not exceed 20 ° C.

VIDEOS: All about São Paulo and the metropolitan area
