São Paulo count: check the results of the 2nd round between Covas x Boulos in real time



SAO PAULO – Starting at 5 pm (Brasilia time) on Sunday, at the end of the voting, voters will be able to follow the count in real time in the 16 cities of São Paulo that have a second round, such as the capital, Diadema, Campinas and Ribeirão. Black. The numbers will be updated at the same time that the votes are counted and published on the website of the Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE). It will also be possible to see the map by electoral zone.

See: counting by electoral zone

Elections 2020:Follow live commentary from GLOBO columnists and editors

In the capital, the second round dispute takes place between Bruno Covas (PSDB) and Guilherme Boulos (PSOL).

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Justify vote: What to do in case of absence on voting day and how to justify voting by cell phone

Electronic title: Learn how to download and use the digital title.
