São Paulo City Council authorizes the return to face-to-face classes only for secondary school on November 3 | Education


The City of São Paulo authorized the return of regular face-to-face classes only for high school students on November 3. For children and primary school students, extracurricular activities were maintained, according to Mayor Bruno Covas (PSDB), on the afternoon of this Thursday (22).

The authorization is valid for students of municipal, state and private schools in the capital of São Paulo. And back to school is optional. Classes had been suspended since March due to the quarantine caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

See what back to school is like:

  • Early childhood education: only extracurricular activities are allowed
  • Elementary school: extracurricular activities are maintained
  • High School: return to face-to-face classes on November 3

“Following the recommendation of the health area, the City of São Paulo will maintain only extracurricular activities for children and elementary schools and will authorize the return to high school classes as of November 3 here in the city. Remembering that this authorization for the return is for the three networks: the municipal network, the state network and the private network, is voluntary for parents, according to the decision of the National Education Council, and must follow the health protocols already established, “said Covas.

After the release of the second phase of the serological census, the date for the return of the other students will be defined on November 19.

“I would also like to announce that on November 19, based on the second phase of the serological census and with the evolution of the pandemic in the city of São Paulo, we will have a new press conference to announce what is happening and what is authorized in the city of São Paulo. Paulo in relation to the area of ​​education as of December 1 “, said the mayor.

High school students who decide to return to schools will take a test to measure what they have learned during the remote class period. With the result of this evaluation, pedagogical reinforcement strategies will be defined.

The announcement was made during a press conference to publicize the first stage of the serological census carried out with students, teachers and employees of the municipal school system. The first phase tested 65.4 million people until October 21, and it was detected that 13.2% of the target audience had already had contact with the Covid-19 virus. Among the positives, children and adolescents are the majority of those infected.

According to Covas, only teachers who have already had the disease will return to schools. “We are going to call only those teachers who are already immunized according to the census being carried out by the City of São Paulo to return to the classroom.”

In total, the City of São Paulo estimates that 675,000 students and 120,000 teachers and employees will be tested. The tests are not mandatory.

The census is a survey carried out by the Municipality of São Paulo throughout the municipal educational system and performs serological tests that assess the presence of specific antibodies in the blood, identifying who has had the new coronavirus. However, the presence of antibodies in the body does not mean that the person is immune.

The return to face-to-face classes for higher education students was authorized in the city since October 7, in addition to extracurricular activities for children, primary and secondary.

According to the municipal secretary of Education, Bruno Caetano, the schools in the network are prepared to receive students for both regular classes and extracurricular activities in compliance with all health regulations.

Extracurricular activities

Since October 7, São Paulo state schools are authorized to receive students in person, but only to carry out extracurricular activities in kindergarten, primary and secondary school. The state government left the decision to return to face-to-face classes for each municipality to define.

In the city of São Paulo, the resumption of extracurricular activities was authorized on the same date, but the maximum occupancy was 20% of the capacity of the students in schools and frequently, at most, twice a week and per a period of up to two hours for activities. cultural courses, language courses, non-collective sports activities, music classes, tutorials and host classes (see regulations here).

*Supervision Tatiana Santiago.
