Santos divides on Robinho’s stay and tries to contain the crisis with sponsors


The negative repercussions of Ge’s report, which made public the transcripts of the telephone interceptions of the player Robinho, convicted in the first instance in Italy for the gang rape of an Albanian woman, make Santos’s leadership split over the athlete’s permanence, according to O BALLOON.

The bond, not yet approved by the Club Deliberative Council, will be voted on next Wednesday. In the club’s bylaws there is an end-of-term window that establishes that certain acts must go through the Fiscal and Deliberative Council. There are elections on December 12, at least three months before the elections, the management committee cannot hire, sell players or anticipate income without authorization from the City Council, which will decide by a simple majority of those present.

But pressure from sponsors who threaten to disrupt the association leaves Santos’ board with two options, according to the internal assessment: either terminate the contract or go against public opinion and, consequently, publicity.

Saints:Robinho’s hiring announcement sparks uproar and is repudiated on the internet

The decision rests with President Orlando Rollo and his board of directors. Meanwhile, Robinho continues training and regularizes. In the football department there is support for the athlete. Coach Cuca intends to promote the debut as soon as the board approves the deal. And the club’s staff see the outcome of the case as a virtual lynching of a person who is free in court.

Verdict:Robinho’s conviction says that the player was the first to rape the victim and speaks of humiliation; read excerpts

But Santos’s commercial wing, which needs to deal with the fury of the companies that support the club, tries to contain the damage to the image of the institution and dialogues with the sponsors so that they do not escape. The sector was not listened to by the board when deciding to hire the player. And he waits for guidance from the club’s dome.

If Santos continues to hire Robinho, the sponsors have indicated termination of contracts or suspension of payments pending a trial in second instance in Italy. To date, the only sponsor to breach the sponsorship agreement has been Orthopride. Brahma, whose contract with Santos ended on October 1, warned that he will not renew while Robinho is there.

The attacker was convicted in the first instance in the ninth section of the Milan court in Italy for the gang rape of an Albanian woman. Appeal the decision in second instance and, even if the sentence is upheld, you can appeal until the third to reverse the sentence.

In a note released by the lawyer Marisa Alija and the lawyer Luciano Santoro, “the player reiterates that he did not commit the crime of which he is accused and that he has always had consensual sexual relations”.

The text continues: “There was absolutely no sexual violence or admission of guilt in the telephone interceptions, which is clear when analyzed in its entirety and in the correct context. According to them,” there is sufficient evidence of Robinho’s innocence. “

The statement said that there was distortion and cut in the transcription of the audios, as well as differences in the translation from Portuguese to Italian in the process. According to the defense, lawyers in Milan and Rome will take action.

The demonstration also mentions Robinho’s gratitude to the Santos fans and highlights that, “as a parent and athlete, he emphasizes that he repudiates all forms of violence.”

See the position of the sponsors:

– After accessing the ge report, we inform Santos that, if the club does not terminate the contract with the player in question, we will withdraw our sponsorship. Kicaldo repudiates all kinds of violence, that is why we will continue to act in accordance with our values.

– Kodilar awaits Santos’ position to inform the sponsors of what will be done. We ask that the case be resolved as soon as possible, because our company has a positive image in everything it does. We don’t want to be penalized for that.

– Tekbond rejects each and every situation of violence and promotes respect for diversity and inclusion in its operations. The company had no prior knowledge of the club’s hiring or intention to sign players. We expressed our concern about the fact to Santos as soon as we found out and, at this time, the continuity of our sponsorship is conditional on the cancellation of the player’s contract by the club – reported the Saint-Gobain group brand.

– The Foxlux Group has always believed and continues to believe in sport as a tool to transform people, as well as being a strategy to promote our brands. We will continue to do this in all regions where we operate, focused on the positive outcome that sport can generate. We reinforce that the sponsorship contract of a professional soccer club does not give us any interference in the operational actions of the club including the hiring and firing of its professionals, however the events of the last days, directly, end up impacting our brands and they conflict with our values. – says the company in a note.

– In this way and in view of the new disclosures presented, we ask Santos Futebol Clube for information on what actions will be taken in relation to what happened so that we can decide the best attitudes to adopt. We reinforce that the club’s decision regarding the professionals who work there rests solely with the club, and for us, as sponsors, it is up to us to seek association with properties that bring us good experiences and perceptions. The truth is that the Foxlux Group has in its values ​​”to act in an ethical and respectful manner, following the rules of the company and especially the rules and laws of the society and the markets in which we operate” and we will take the necessary attitudes that we do not they link to situations that do not share our performance in Brazil, even indirectly, as in this case. We look forward to developments in the next few hours, continues the sponsor.

– Unicesumar clarifies that it has no influence on Santos’ hiring activities, as well as authority in any of its administrative operations, such as setting or paying the salaries of athletes or club employees. We reject any act of violence and we always seek to promote actions for the development of a more just and supportive society. We are in contact with Santos and we are waiting for a team positioning.

– After proving the facts, Philco reaches the public to inform that he has already sent a note to Santos, requesting action in relation to the athlete Robinho, and the association with the club will only continue if the contract with the athlete is immediately terminated. . We inform that Philco aims to sponsor soccer teams and sports practices in order to maintain its commitment to help in the development of the sports scene in our country, the brand does not approve and repudiate each and every one of the acts of violence committed against women.

– As one of Santos’ sponsors, Casa de Apostas is attentive to all movements and information related to the hiring of Robinho. Given the new facts, we notified the club about the impossibility of continuing the sponsorship contract if the decision to continue the relationship with the player is upheld. We await the final decision of the club’s board until Monday to define the future of the association.

See below the full note from Robinho’s defense:

Regarding the report “The recordings of the Robinho case in the Italian Justice”, published today by GE, the lawyers of the player Robson de Souza clarify:

1. The Player reiterates that he did not commit the crime of which he is accused and that whenever he had sexual relations it was consensual;

2. Specifically, there was no sexual violence or admission of guilt in the telephone interceptions, which is clear when analyzed in its entirety and in the correct context;

3. Because it is a confidential and ongoing process, we cannot discuss the merits of the charges. However, regarding the revelation itself, it must be clarified that there is sufficient evidence in the file of Robinho’s innocence – which unfortunately was not revealed in the matter – and others that will still be presented to the Italian Justice, which without will certainly lead to his acquittal. There are several intercepted conversations that have not been translated correctly into the Italian language, which has led to misinterpretations;

4. We fully trust the Italian Justice, the success of the defensive appeal and the reform of the sentence, aware that the referral of the deed to the higher courts allows precisely to avoid judicial errors and unjust convictions;

5. Finally, Robinho is grateful for the support of the Santos Futebol Clube fans and, as a family man and athlete, emphasizes that he rejects all forms of violence.

See official note from Santos:

“Santos FC, in its 108-year history, has always been characterized as an inclusive and socially responsible institution. Reference in the fight against racism, against any type of violence, especially against women, a benchmark in investment in women’s football and commitment to These are the pillars and values ​​that form the identity of the most famous Brazilian club in the world and a source of rare pride for all his contributions to the national sport. everyone in the field helped build our history.

Regarding the trial of the athlete Robson de Souza, the Club cannot enter into the merits of the accusation, since the process takes place in secret of Justice in Italy and above all Santos FC is proud, in its history, of always respecting the fundamental guarantees of the human being, among which, the presumption of innocence and respect for due legal process.

It should also be noted that there is no final sentence and the athlete responds in freedom and it will not be Santos FC that will give him an early sentence, prejudging and preventing him from exercising his profession.

As a training club, where the athlete lived his best moments, in which he had several achievements, it would not be our community that would turn its back and decree a final value judgment in a process with continuous resources.

There is no change in the Club’s position in relation to the fight against violence against women or other campaigns that have always participated in this regard. These are indispensable values ​​that are part of the history of Alvinegro’s legacy.

Unfortunately, we live in the era of cancellations, the culture of internet courts and sentences that are as hasty as they are final, but there is a certainty that the fans of Santos FC will understand that it corresponds exclusively to Justice to execute the sentence ”.
