Santa Catarina announces curfew and capacity of up to 70% on buses – 12/03/2020 – Equilíbrio e Saúde


To try to stop the advance of the pandemic in Santa Catarina, the state government announced that it will determine a curfew overnight and will require a maximum occupancy of 70% for public transport. The measures will be valid for the entire state for 15 days from the date of publication of the decree, which must come out until Friday (4).

The government should also make the use of a protective mask mandatory in all settings, with the exception of homes.

There is also the possibility of extending business hours in the state towards the end of the year, to avoid crowds in Christmas shopping. According to the government, the stores should close their doors until 11 at night, but they will be able to serve customers who are still inside the place until midnight.

According to Governor Carlos Moisés (PSL), who resumed his post last week after being temporarily removed in an impeachment process, the restrictions are designed to control the advance of Covid-19 by keeping economic activities in place.

“These measures are intended to show society that we are at a time of greater risk. We made the decision based on a broad dialogue with the mayors. We had a very productive meeting and we defined joint actions, which are valid for the entire state and which are intended to stop the spread of the disease, ”said the governor.

The new regulation was decided in a meeting of Moisés with the mayors of the 21 largest cities of Santa Catarina and with the Federation of Municipalities of Santa Catarina (Fecam). Currently, 15 of the 16 regions of the state are on very serious alert for the new coronavirus. Only the Wild West remains on a serious level.

There are currently 33,034 active cases of people with Covid-19 in the state, the highest number since the start of the pandemic. There are 3,855 deaths in total. The ICU’s overall occupancy rate is around 86%, but reaches more than 90% in beds exclusively for adults. The most critical situation occurs in the south of the state, where 95% of adult ICUs are occupied. There are only eight vacancies left.

This is one of the governor’s first reactions to the rapid advance of the pandemic in the state. He was out of his post since the end of October and resumed his duties last Friday (27), when he was acquitted of the charges of criminal responsibility.

The climate is one of denial and conformity about the effects of the pandemic in Santa Catarina. Vice Governor Daniela Reinehr (without a party), who temporarily assumed the administration, defended the liberation of activities and generated protests by approving the return to face-to-face classes in the state public system in areas of serious risk for Covid-19.

Although the red flag covers almost every state, government regulations are basic and much lighter than those enacted at the start of the pandemic in March. In general, the establishments remain open, but with public restrictions. It is up to city councils to implement stricter measures to contain the disease. The state intervenes only if, after three weeks, the rules adopted by the region do not lower the numbers.
