Samsung scoffs at removing iPhone 12 charger


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One of the most controversial “news” for the iPhone 12, the removal of the battery charger from the product packaging was the subject of a provocation by Samsung. A profile of the South Korean company on social media nudged the rival, pointing out that the accessory is included in Galaxy phones, showing that those responsible for the account have not learned from some lessons from the past.

The Facebook post on Samsung Caribe cites not only the charger but also “the best camera, battery, performance, memory and even 120Hz display” as differentiating its products from its rival. The last feature was considered to be in the iPhone 12 Pro, but rumors indicate that availability issues with the display drivers prevented its inclusion in the cell phone.

Samsung wasn’t the only one to provoke Apple for not offering the charger as a gift with the new iPhone. Xiaomi’s official Twitter profile published a video to show that it did not follow in the steps of the American manufacturer.

Even when? (Image: Playback / SamsungCaribe)

History repeats itself?

It’s worth remembering that a very similar script took place in 2016, shortly after Apple announced the iPhone 7. Competitors and users joined in criticizing the removal of the headphone jack. Although the manufacturer was not the first to eliminate the connector, it ended up influencing other companies.

A few years later, Samsung did the same with the Galaxy Note 10 line. Shortly after the launch of the smartphone, the South Korean deleted a YouTube video in which it criticized Apple’s decision.

Recently, a South Korean website posted that Samsung is considering not delivering the accessory to buyers of its cell phones. Apparently, smartphone makers are just waiting for consumer reaction to Apple’s decision to adopt the same cost cut.

Source: Samsung Caribe (archived)

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