Samsung Chairman Lee Kun-hee Dies at 78


Samsung Chairman Lee Kun-hee died at the age of 78.

Samsung Chairman Lee Kun-hee died at the age of 78.

SEOUL – The president of the technology company Samsung, Lee Kun-hee, died this Sunday 25 (local time), informed the company of South Korea. The businessman was 78 years old and died along with his family, including his son, the vice president of Samsung, Jay Y. Lee.

According to the company statement, Kun-hee was hospitalized. Although the exact cause of death was not reported, he underwent surgery in 2014 after a heart attack, which left sequels, and recovered in the 90s from a lung cancer. The company declined to comment on whether Kun-hee left a will.

Kun-hee, the third son of the founder of Samsung, Lee Byung-chul, helped transform his father’s business into the largest conglomerate in South Korea. “President Lee was a true visionary who made Samsung a global leader in innovation and industrial power. His 1993 ‘New Management’ statement was the motivation for the company’s vision of providing the best technology to help advance global society. “said Samsung. “Your legacy will last forever.”

Since taking over leadership, he has followed Samsung’s transition from the largest television manufacturer smartphones me French fries memory. With that, the tycoon became the owner of the largest fortune in South Korea, estimated at more than $ 20 billion, in accordance with Forbes. / REUTERS and EFE
