Sala asks Danilo Gentili to be detained by the Supreme Court – Politics


After the repercussions
After the repercussion, Danilo deleted the publication on social networks (photo: Social networks / Playback)

The Chamber of Deputies filed a complaint with the Federal Supreme Court (STF), through the parliamentary attorney, to request presenter Danilo Gentili prison. The comedian made a post in which he suggested that Brazilians “enter” Congress to “hit all the deputies.”

“I would only believe that this country has a path if the population now enters the Chamber and hits every deputy who is currently arguing. PEC of parliamentary immunity“Wrote the comedian on Twitter.

The text criticized by Gentili became known as PEC of immunity. That is because the makes it difficult to arrest members of the Legislativeat the federal, state and municipal levels.

Coordinated by deputy Luis Tib (Avante-MG), the action took place at the request of deputy Celso Sabino (PSDB-PA).

According to parliamentarians, Danilo’s position can be compared with the actions of the deputy Daniel Silveira (PSL-RJ), arrested after threatening the ministers of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) and defending AI-5.

After the repercussion, Danilo deleted the post on social networks.

Check it out in its entirety

Publication by Danilo Gentilli (photo: Social networks / Reprodu
Danilo Gentilli’s Post (photo: Social networks / Playback)
