Saiba HOW MUCH you can receive in 2020 no annual FGTS take – Notícias Concursos


Currently, or Governo Federal is making or paying anniversary kick do Fundo de Garantia por Tempo de Serviço (FGTS). We are born workers months of March and April That this new modality will come to receive its benefit from this month.

But how does that withdrawal happen? Or anniversary take-off allows withdrawal of any balance of any account, being the active or inative I found each year, not more than an anniversary, in order not to receive part of what I will fear in the case of a just cause. Or worker may receive by termination of self-care, as lottery houses ou um outro bank. Isso going to depend on which channel is not the moment of the hair option anniversary-kick.

Do you know or value that you can receive? The value to be released varies according to the balance of each account at work. In addition to a percentage, it will receive an additional fixed, conforming or total value established in the count. The amount to be taken varies from 50% of the balance per additional parcel, for accounts of R $ 500, to 5% of the additional balance of R $ 2.9 thousand for accounts with more than R $ 20 thousand.

As you tell são um pouco complexas, but we will explain. For example, if a worker has R $ 1,450 in all the FGTS accounts, it will be possible to withdraw 30% of the total, plus a parcel of R $ 150. Ou seja, or serve will be R $ 585.

R $ 1,400 x 30% = R $ 435.00 + Additional R $ 150 = R $ 585.00.

Go to table:

Limits das faixas de balance Aliquot Additional pitch
I tied R $ 500 fifty%
from R $ 500.01 to R $ 1,000 40% R $ 50
from R $ 1,000.01 to R $ 5,000 30% R $ 150
from R $ 5,000.01 to R $ 10,000 twenty% R $ 650
from R $ 10,000.01 to R $ 15,000 fifteen% R $ 1,150
from R $ 15,000.01 to R $ 20,000 10% R $ 1,900
above R $ 20,000.01 5% R $ 2,900

Through do Caixa official site The application of the FGTS (available in the App Store, Google Play or Windows Store) is possible to simulate or value that it would receive and add to or take out. A consultation can be feita apás fazer um cadastro e raise uma senha.

In accordance with information from the government, or worker, you can choose to receive the plots per year directly from your Caixa or other institution.


Check out abaixo or calendar of anniversary kicks:

  • janeiro e fevereiro – serves from April to June 2020;
  • March and April – serves from May to July 2020;
  • May and June – serves from June to August 2020;
  • julho – serves from julho to September 2020;
  • August – serves from August to October 2020;
  • September – serves from September to November 2020;
  • outubro – out-of-box removals to December 2020;
  • novembro – servings of novembro from 2020 to janeiro from 2021;
  • December – Servers December 2020 to February 2021.

I am starting in April 2020, or release schedule has happened or has ended the withdrawal phase of the immediate kick-off, as of March 31st.

Você Pode Gostar Também:


Unplugged, can it be added to or kick-off?

Sim. It will houver dinheiro na conta inativa. All workers, whether they are active or inative, will have to pay or take out the available balance. It is possible to verify or balance the FGTS account through the site or official application.

Posso escolher as soon as you count to add to or serve-anniversary?

Não, a adesão é integral, ou seja, o trabalhador that escolher use a new modality of serve vai ter all his counts, active or inativa, on the regras do serve-anniversário. In case of demissão sem just causes, or access to the quantias fica prohibited for a period of two years.

Or what will happen as an inative count after successive serves in the modality?

Não being receiving deposits mesis advindos do contracheque do trabalhador, quando o balance da conta inativa esgotar, or trabalhador deixará de receber by that conta, porém, to modalidade of continuing to mesma, case ele venha a trabalhar e abra uma nova conta no FGTS, for example.

When will you get out?

Or value two removes é um percentual do balance da conta do do trabalhador no FGTS. Or a vai ter calculation as the basis for the aliquot table, which also has an additional one-hundred parcel depending on the value.

How to move to or take out-anniversary?

In the case of no bank brokers, it is necessary to contact the Agência Caixa with the personal documents and the carteira de trabalho and communicate or dispose of moving.

Quem possuir conta ativa na Caixa can be done after moving home, through Internet Banking or via Caixa application, under the option “FGTS and INSS”, followed by “Saque-anniversário FGTS”.

See also: FGTS: Withdrawal of R $ 1,045 vai as soon as it can be removed? Saiba!
