RealTime Big Data / CNN Brasil research in São Paulo shows the leadership of Bruno Covas (PSDB), with 27%, followed by Celso Russomanno (Republicans), with 17%, and Guilherme Boulos (Psol), with 12% edit

Sputnik – Research by the RealTime Big Data / CNN Brasil institute in São Paulo shows the leadership of Bruno Covas, with 27%, followed by Celso Russomanno (Republicans), with 17%, and Guilherme Boulos (Psol), with 12%.
Russomano, who had 25% in the previous poll, fell eight points. Boulos, in turn, remained stable. Since the margin of error is three points or so, they are technically tied.
The toucan candidate, who in the previous poll had 24%, passed the opponent and now leads beyond the margin of error.
They are followed by Márcio França (PSB), who went from 8% to 10%; Jilmar Tatto (PT), who has 4%; and Arthur do Val / Mamãe Falei (Patriota), which fluctuated from 1% to 3%.
Then came Andrea Matarazzo (PSD), who dropped from 3% to 2%; Joice Hasselmann (PSL), who reached 2%; and Orlando Silva (PCdoB), 1%. Candidate Marina Helou (Rede), who had 1% in the first round of investigation, did not obtain scores. Antonio Carlos (PCO), Vera (PSTU) and Levy Fidelix (PRTB) also failed to score.
Nulls and whites add up to 13%, three percentage points more than in the previous survey. Another 9% could not answer. The institute listened to 1,200 people by telephone between October 29 and 31. The first round of municipal elections is scheduled for November 15. The second round, when necessary, will take place on November 29.
Manuela leads in Porto Alegre
In Porto Alegre, the RealTime Big Data / CNN Brazil survey shows Manuela d’Ávila (PCdoB) in the lead, with 27% of voting intentions. It was up three points from the previous poll.
Then, tied to the margin of error, Nelson Marchezan Júnior (PSDB) emerged, who rose four points and reached 13%; José Fortunati (PTB), which remained at 12%; and Sebastião Melo (MDB), who rose one point and took 12%.
In Recife, João Campos goes ahead
In Recife, candidate João Campos (PSB), son of former governor Eduardo Campos, who died in 2014 in a plane crash, is in the lead with 32%. It rose four points from the previous survey.
In the dispute for second place are the candidates Marília Arraes (PT), who also rose four points and reached 18%, and Delegate Patrícia (Pode), who advanced four points and has 15%.
Psol in 1st at Belém
In Belém, the research shows that Edmilson Rodrigues (Psol) leads the voting intentions, with 37%. It rose three points compared to the previous round.
It is followed by Priante (MDB), which fluctuated one more point and has 19%; Thiago Araujo (Citizenship), who rose four points and reached 7%; and Vavá Martins (Republicans), who rose two points and also reached 7%.
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