Rua Alberto Cintra, in BH, has a busy bar and closed this Saturday – Gerais


Growleria Chopp no ​​Litro, in Alberto Cintra, was banned this s
Growleria Chopp no ​​Litro, by Alberto Cintra, was banned this Saturday for not even offering alcohol gel to customers (photo: Dborah Lima / EM / DA Press)

On the second night of reopening of bars with authorization to sell drink Alcohol, Rua Alberto Cintra, in Bairro Cidade Nova (Northeast), had a record of agglomeration and a bar ban for not complying with the sanitary regulations determined by the Belo Horizonte City Council this Saturday (5).

In action audit Growleria Chopp no ​​Litro, which works in via bomia, was closed from the town hall.

“Since yesterday we have been making the guidelines. Today we come to do the second inspection. Most establishments are complying. But sadly, we have a case that did not fit and today it is closing because it was not complying with all the rules. alcohol on the tables, sale at the counter, the area reserved for customers had no physical limits for the tables. lcool nthe bathrooms had, ”said Ayrton Alves Junior, PBH inspection manager.

Also according to Ayrton, the bar can only be reopened after signing an inspection commitment. “It has to become regional (administrative) to sign a deadline committing to comply with the measures. And when it reopens, we will inspect again,” he said.

There was no person in charge of the establishment on the premises. The report of State of Minas I spoke with an employee who was at the time of the internship. He reported that those responsible would not speak about it.

If the bar reopens with irregularities, the owner can be fined around R $ 15,000 and the alvar operation can be revoked.

While the inspection team was conducting the assessment, some clients commented against the action.

Municipal Guard followed the action
Municipal Guard followed the actions of PBH inspectors (photo: Tlio Santos / EM / DA Press)

The pedestrian walkway was made by people looking for a bar with tables available. With difficulty finding, consumers lined up to enter. Many of them did not wear a protective mask against coronavrus.

“The business was closed for almost six months. Now that the mayor has released, if there is no respect for the public and merchants, there may be an increase in cases. And that is not what the city wants now. The city wants to go back to normality, “adds the manager. inspection.

According to city ordinances, the capacity maximum number of one-person establishments for every five square meters of total area, including employees. Only seated customers can consume.

Whoever is off the tables in and out of pubs and restaurants cannot be served, according to PBH rules.

The installation of tables and chairs in public spaces, such as sidewalks, parklets and operational spaces, has already been authorized.

Bars in the region
The bars in the region had a lot of people (photo: Tlio Santos / EM / DA Press)

Work in combat COVID-19Bars and restaurants must guarantee a minimum distance of two meters between tables and one meter between the occupants of the same table, limited to four people.

In addition, “entertainment activities that can cause crowds, such as music live, projection of images, theatrical performances and sporting events ”.

See for yourself: PBH oversees bar closings, but customers don’t go home; watch video

Late afternoon without overcrowding

The bars in the North West Region of BH were not crowded this Saturday afternoon. Around 5 p.m., the Joo Pinheiro neighborhood had a bar regardless of the limit of four people per table. The neighborhood Corao Eucarstico it had a calm climate.

“What I realized is that people are respecting. There was no crowd where I went,” analyzes singer Natlia Maria, 33, who was in a bar on Praa da Federao (known as Praa do Coreu). “For people who are used to drinking beer, today I feel a sense of freedom. It is good that I come back little by little,” she said.

It was with his cousin Raquel Pires, 29 years old. “I think that in a supermarket, for example, much more dangerous than here,” added the engineer.

Businessman Lidio Mounier, 49, said his routine hasn’t changed with him. pandemic of the new coronavirus, since he visited a “clandestine” bar near his home, in the Santa Mnica neighborhood, in Venda Nova. “I’m worried about the coronavirus, but I’m not careful. I think I’m immune,” said Ldio, who was accompanied by the family.

According to Ldio’s colleagues, beer It was already being served from 4 in the afternoon, when they arrived, which is not allowed according to the second decree of the City Council, which authorizes the trade of alcohol only between 5 in the afternoon and 2 in the afternoon.

Or what or coronavrus

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause respiratory infections. The new coronavirus agent (COVID-19) was discovered in December 2019 in China. The disease can cause infections with symptoms initially similar to those of a cold or mild flu, but with the risk of worsening, leading to death.
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How to COVID-19 transmitted?

Coronavirus transmission usually occurs through the air or through personal contact with contaminated secretions, such as saliva droplets, sneezing, coughing, phlegm, close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands, contact with contaminated objects or surfaces, followed by contact with mouth, nose or eyes.

Video: Do ​​people without symptoms transmit the coronavirus?

How to prevent?

The recommendation is to avoid overcrowding, stay away from those showing symptoms of respiratory infection, wash your hands frequently, cough with your forearm in front of your mouth, and often wash your hands with soap and water or gel alcohol after contact. with surfaces. and people. At home, be especially careful against COVID-19.
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What are the symptoms of the coronavirus?

Check out the main symptoms of people infected with COVID-19:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath and shortness of breath
  • Gastric problems
  • Diarrhea

In severe cases, victims have:

  • Pneumonia
  • Severe acute respiratory syndrome
  • Renal failure

The types of COVID-19 symptoms are increasing each week as researchers advance in identifying the behavior of the virus.

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Myths and truths about the virus

On social media, the spread of COVID-19 also spread rumors about how vrus Sars-CoV-2 transmitted. And other questions arose: Is the alcohol gel capable of killing the virus? Is the coronavirus lethal at a worrying level? Can one infected person infect several others? Will the epidemic kill thousands of Brazilians, since the SUS could not serve everyone? We did a report with a doctor who specializes in infectology and he explains all the myths and truths about the coronavirus.

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To learn more about the coronavirus, read also:
