RS has for the first time a black flag on the map of controlled distance | Rio Grande do Sul


For the first time since the implementation of the controlled distance model, Rio Grande do Sul has black flag regions. This Friday (11), Bagé and Pelotas were classified as having a high epidemiological risk for Covid-19 no preliminary map.

  • Understand how controlled spacing works

Map of controlled distance in RS on December 11 – Photo: Government of RS / Disclosure

The constant reduction of free ICU beds and the increase in cases of contagion and hospitalization for coronavirus led to the classification. The rest of the regions are almost all in the red flag, except Cruz Alta, which is in the orange flag.

The state saw an increase in almost all indicators monitored by the government’s crisis committee. There was an increase, in the last seven days, of 14% in hospitalizations for Covid-19 (from 1,174 to 1,338 cases), the highest figure since the start of follow-up.

It is also the highest number of patients in the ICU, in clinical beds and in deaths. Deaths grew 15% this week, reaching 409 records. As a result, there are the fewest free beds (407).

Municipalities and associations can send reconsideration requests until 6 am on Sunday (13). Once analyzed, the government will launch the final flags on Monday (14) and they will remain in effect from December 15 to 21.

What changes with the black flag

The black flag does not mean blocking or general closure of activities. However, it establishes a series of more restrictive measures to prevent the spread of the virus.

Among the black flag protocols that cities in these regions must adopt are:

  • Non-essential trade – closed
  • Wholesale and retail trade: 25% of workers
  • Retail trade of food products (markets, butchers, fruit trees, bakeries and similar) and fuels – 50% workers
  • Education – remote education
  • Construction services, infrastructure works and food industry: 75% workers
  • Beverage industry: 50% of workers
  • Tobacco, clothing, footwear and similar industries: 25% of workers
  • Public transport: 50% of workers
  • Fairs, exhibitions, parties, gyms, swimming pools, social and sports clubs, sports competitions, pet shops, hairdressers and beauty salons – closed
  • Masses: 25% of workers, without public presence
  • Restaurants: tele-delivery and pick-up and drop-off

Southern RS regions have a black flag on the controlled distance map

Southern RS regions have a black flag on the controlled distance map

Reasons for the deterioration in the South Zone

The Bagé and Pelotas regions, known as Macrorregião Sul, comprise 28 municipalities with 9.3% of the state’s population.

Regarding the number of deaths, Pellets is the most expressive, registering 41 deaths confirmed by Covid-19 this week, almost double compared to last week (23 deaths). Bagé recorded 10 more deaths this week, the same indicator as the previous round. However, there were five times more registrations compared to the previous week, when there were two deaths.

While in round 26, a month and a half ago, there were 22 records, in the current round there are 87. In the same way, Bagé has increased since week 28, a month ago, when there were five hospitalizations, in this one, 23.

The South macro-region also registered an increase in ICU bed occupancy, both for Covid-19 cases (from 38 to 50) and for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), from 54 to 74.

With that, there was a 50% reduction in the offer of free beds for intensive care In the region, which now has 15 units, in the previous week there were 30 and, in the last week, 35.

Even for the South macro-region, the indicator related to service capacity worsened in the comparison between the weeks. The percentage of patients confirmed for Covid-19 in ICU beds, in relation to free beds, increased again. Although last week there were 0.79 free ICU beds for each ICU bed occupied by a patient with Covid-19, this week the indicator went to 0.30 – the lowest number among all macro-regions and the historical series of the entire model.

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