Ronaldo points to the best goalkeeper in the history of the Corinthians and details the similarities between Cssio and Dida.


Ronaldo Giovanelli is the goalkeeper with the most games played for Corinthians: there were 602 appearances. Even so, the former player places Cássio as the best goalkeeper in the whites’ centennial history.

When asked about the subject, Ronaldo made some reservations, but praised the greatness of Timão’s current 12 jersey, who was the protagonist in the club’s recent conquests and can surpass another great idol in the titles won.

“I quote Cássio, and people are angry, because in all the difficult times Corinthians won the championship, it was perfect. Cássio can still beat Marcelinho in titles. Because of his professional history, Cássio. For Corinthians, it’s me, because I come from the base category, at the age of 12. Cássio can pass me in the games, but he did not play at the base. I played, “he summed up during a concert organized by Banco BMG, the club’s main sponsor.

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In the sequence, Giovanelli highlighted the main similarities between Cássio and Dida, both of whom stand out as one of Timão’s best goalkeepers alongside Ronaldo. The former player, therefore, emphasized the “coldness” of the couple and admitted some irritation with this feature.

“Dida is very cold. It bothered me to see him. I went out and a cold guy came in, just like Cássio. But it’s style. They don’t complain, nothing. I think it’s great, for them, because I can’t.” I can’t understand it, but each one is different. There was a time that I liked much more because I was on top of Rogério Ceni. It would be the first time that São Paulo would win Corinthians after so many years, in the 45th minute. He picked it up, got up, and vibrated. Then I liked it. That was what I wanted to see. I saw myself there. I started to like it, but then it turned cold again. Each one has their own style “, he concluded.


Daniel Augusto Jr / Ag. Corinthians

See more at:
Corinthian idols, former Corinthian players, and Cssio.
