
Vote in the TV Foco poll and discover which of the pedestrians is more likely to confine in the dispute for the prize at A Fazenda 12
Closing the third week in style, the traditional roça de The Farm 12 finally formed, putting Rodrigo, Raíssa, Biel and Juliano to dispute the permanence within the Record reality show. Among the nominees, one of them can still get away with becoming the new farmer.
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Starting the job, Carol Narizinho, peasant of the night, sent Rodrigo to the vote, with the justification that the pawn did not help the other inmates after the tremendous punishment, in addition to having judged her last week during the vote.
Upon receiving the power to vote twice, Cartolouco sent the nominations to Raisa. Tying with five votes with Tays, the model ended up being sent to the farm of A Fazenda 12 by Jake’s vote, which was the last to be justified.
Doing something that she had already anticipated when imagining that she would take some votes, the brunette led Biel to the vote. In the end, in the traditional, Cartolouco had no luck and also went to the farm.
Surprising everyone, the power of the lamp caused one of the envoys to exchange places with another pawn. Making the big decision, Lipe got Cartolouco out of trouble and sent none other than Juliano in A Fazenda 12, due to a gossip from the pawn.
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Now that the third farm of A Fazenda 12 is formed, from TV Foco we want to know. Rodrigo, Raíssa, Biel or Juliano, which of the pedestrians should continue in the confinement in search of the grand prize of R $ 1.5 million on the Record reality show? Vote! If you can’t see our survey, click here.
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