Rodrigo Moraes talks about his departure and attacks Mateus Carrieri: ‘Traitor’


Rodrigo Moraes, third eliminated in “A Fazenda 2020” (RecordTV), was interviewed on the reality show’s YouTube channel and spoke about his time on the program.

The actor and presenter was, at the beginning of the conversation, annoyed with some peons. “I have not been able to see everything yet, there is a lot, but for now what surprised me was to see some comments from people inside the house – we always leave a message for those who leave – but I saw something, like Stefani (Bays): “Ah, now we see who has blood in their eyes, you are out there.” I was surprised because it was a person who was close to me inside, “he lamented.

Asked about what led him to be the least voted on the field, held yesterday, Rodrigo attributed his behavior. “I credit my departure because people want to see fire in hay, and I don’t have the characteristics of fire in hay, like Biel’s debauchery, like Jojo’s ‘post’ sometimes, the very Raissa, who is a troublemaker, so these adjectives, these peppers, they don’t fit in my personal folder. I am calmer, more concentrated, who seeks to speak at the right time, who seeks to appease and not fight back, so it is not attractive. Yes, but we are talking about an entertainment program, “he said.

“I put the responsibility of my departure because I am (in the field) with two people with a lot of pepper – I do not believe in the positive side, in my opinion a negative side. I would not do what they (Raissa and Biel) do either.” I’m here, ”he reflected.

Vote in Mariano and polemics with Jojo

Rodrigo responded if he was afraid to vote for Mariano – who voted for him in the field with a confusing justification – when he was a farmer and had the opportunity to nominate someone directly for the dispute by staying in reality.

“Two things: First because we really worked it out. It was really a man thing, the manhood. Then because I thought, ‘Well, at the time of the championship he’s a strong guy here. If I recommend this guy to the field now, it’s obvious that He’s not leaving. So they shot him in the foot. “I don’t have the audience he has outside of here, people here love the boy. So if I make the boy have a tantrum because he voted for me, it is not smart, it is not mature of me, “he explained.

In the sequence a sequence was shown that showed the first criticisms of Biel, one of Rodrigo’s allies in the game, Jojo Todynho. The conversation, witnessed by Rodrigo, shows the singer comparing the funker with Mirella and making comments that, on social media, were considered fatophobic.

Rodrigo seemed to agree with Biel’s words. “That was very consistent. Within our perception there in the game, what he said was very consistent, so I listened and agreed there because really, within what he says … They are two singers from the same segment, but who would call? more for aesthetic reasons, obviously it would be Mirella, and not Jojo. So, at that moment I was right, “he said.

“Because there was a distance, a hit, so I said, ‘Wow, the boy is right.’ The girl is a year younger than Jojo, with the stereotype that people like him more than Jojo, so he talks, even that moment Yes. After the other weeks we saw that they were both fine. That’s what I say: inside, overnight, things change, “he continued.

Still in Jojo, Rodrigo responded if he thinks he was the victim of harassment by her. “Of course not! He was joking to see how far he was going, to see if he recognized, so much so that he got on the wave and said: ‘Guys, Rodrigo is delirious, saying that someone abused him.’ But that was it. in the joke to see how far Jojo was going, also in the joke, but obviously it wasn’t like that, “he said.

Mateus, Narizinho and Mirella burned

At the table where he needs to send three pawns to the fire, Rodrigo started by sending Mateus Carrieri to the fire. “Mateus showed infidelity, not to me, but to Juliano, and Juliano exposed it to us, to the ‘boys of the bay’ as soon as he joined our team, and then in that last garden it became very clear what Juliano was saying. , of Mateus being a traitor, because Juliano saved Mateus from Resta Um, thinking that Mateus was going to save his partner. Go to Mateus and save Jojo, “he justified.

He then went on to attack the actor. “Because it’s Jojo’s joke, because he knows he doesn’t have expressiveness, so it’s a good move, for him it must be working very well.” in the game until the end, or not, but I’ll stay longer ”, he joked.

Then he “burned” Carol Narizinho. When asked if he regretted having “woken her up for the game,” Rodrigo was divided. “I did it from the heart and I did it because I am me. Now, thinking about the game, taking out the coherent and correct self, I regret it. But thinking of myself as a person, no.

Finally, he sent Mirella to the fire. “Mirella is putting up with this business of being a very popular girl, this is giving her peace of mind to stay in a spa. At party time she wants to shine. So she sleeps a lot during the week of Friday – today, in this case She has the strength to shoot a lot, show her attributes, but during the week, to work, she is that pleasant, light, quiet sleep. Everyone seeks to do things and Ms. Mirella there, “he justified.
