Flamengo updated the medical situation of some players this Friday morning. Everton Ribeiro, who left the match against Bragantino with knee pain, did not need to appear for the exam, but have already started full-time treatment. Rodrigo Caio, with muscular wear, and Arrascaeta, who had an injury in the period he was with the Uruguayan team, will be prepared for next week’s matches.
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Éverton Ribeiro Flamengo x Bragantino – Photo: André Durão
Thus, Rodrigo Caio and Arrascaeta will not face Corinthians this Sunday in São Paulo. Everton Ribeiro is in doubt and also runs the risk of being left out. The trend is that it may be available in the duel with Junior Barrranquilla, on Wednesday, in Maracaná, for the Libertadores.
With muscle wasting, the athlete Rodrigo Caio follows a specific job. Arrascaeta began treatment and light training in CT. They will both be ready for next week’s games.
Everton Ribeiro started a comprehensive treatment. No examination was necessary. #CRF
Gabigol, with an ankle ligament injury, and Diego Alves, with a swollen knee, are still in treatment. João Lucas, who is recovering from a muscle problem, has already started the transition process and does some light activities in the field with physiotherapists.