Robinho’s conviction for rape cannot be left out of the debate on his return to Santos


What do you talk about when a great club signs a great player? Most of the time, he will give in on the field. In some cases, identifying with the club can help. In others, if the financial investment is worth it. All these points deserve the debate on the arrival of Robinho to Santos: for his last seasons in Turkey, his performance is unknown, and there is no doubt that he has a history in Vila Belmiro. The financial agreement is also subject to discussion (you can receive up to R $ 600 thousand in five months, but only if you meet the minimum number of games). But none of these factors can be greater than what has shaken social networks since the announcement was made: in good or bad condition, idol or not, cheap or expensive, the truth is that Santos decided to hire a condemned player in Italy to nine years in prison for “group sexual violence,” according to the lawsuit.

Read More:Sentenced in Italy, Santos reinforcement: Can Robinho be arrested or extradited? Understand

“Many asked me if Santos debated the issue of Robinho’s conviction in Italy, for rape. Yes. The club debated the issue of hiring. And he did,” wrote journalist Gabriela Brino, a behind-the-scenes specialist at the club on the coast of São Paulo. The first reactions, even though some fans are happy with the return of the idol, may show that the Santos board should debate a bit more. The impression is incompatible with the social position of the club, which more than once has spoken out and participated in campaigns against violence against women. In hiring a player convicted of rape, the board seems, at least, not to care about the matter.

Robinho must come and speak. He will certainly stumble upon questions about the case in Italy and deny it, as he has since the indictment. But even the argument that he has the right to a defense is weakened at the present time, since, at the trial, he had it, although other instances of the process may fit. And it did not convince the Italian Justice. If we choose the law and the courts to mediate our coexistence, it is hoped that the glamor of being an idol of one of Brazil’s biggest fans will not be offered to someone who, after going through a trial, was convicted of a violent crime. Of course, there are errors of judgment in all parts of the world, but the discussion, at least in this text, is not whether or not Robinho should be in jail or not. It is if you deserve, at this time, – as long as a judged criminal situation is not resolved 100% – a place of even more privilege. And is there a greater privilege than wearing the 10 de Santos, Pelé’s shirt, who turns 80 this month?

Read also:Robinho no Santos: hiring announcement generates revolt and is rejected on the internet

Fans and the press must understand that this news has a point that cannot be forgotten, and it will probably not be only the increasing number of women in the stands, as in sports newsrooms, good news in recent years. Player Robinho, in his peak years, reminded us, men and women, why soccer is a passion. His irreverence, cycling and playfulness helped build the image of Brazilian soccer. But you can’t separate the soccer field from the world we live in. Legally, since the player still has resources in other instances and appeals in freedom with the authorization of the Italian Justice, Robinho can work in Santos, play, score goals, increase his idolatry. Morally, the issue must be debated, remembered. It is not, unlike many defenders, that the attacker can dribble and get rid easily.
