A large number of clouds are scattered over Brazil and during this Saturday, the circulation of winds at different levels of the atmosphere will leave these very heavy clouds over the Southeast, Midwest and North states. Therefore, many storms are expected for this weekend in many Brazilian states.
Weather forecast for Saturday 10/24/20
On this saturday Almost all regions of Brazil will have some type of rain and there is a risk of storms.
Only it shouldn’t rain in the interior of the Northeast, on the coast and north of Maranhão and Pará and in Amapá. The probability of rain is low in the extreme west of Acre.
The other areas of the North Region of Brazil spend the day with periods of sun, always with clouds, and will have showers with lightning mainly in the afternoon and at night. It can rain a lot in Boa Vista and Manaus.
For the whole day, Air pressure has dropped dramatically in the region between Goiás, Minas Gerais and São Paulo. So the weather is very unstable, with massive rain and thunderstorms Enter the Triângulo Mineiro and west of Minas Gerais, north of São Paulo and east of Goiás. Saturday is cloudy and with the risk of heavy rains in the central region of Minas, including Greater Belo Horizonte and on the coast of Espírito Santo.
In the center-west of São Paulo, in the south, east and north of Minas Gerais, in the other regions of Goiás and in the Federal District, Saturday it rains at any time and cloudiness and it can rain a lot.
In eastern São Paulo, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, in Paraná and in the interior of Santa Catarina, the forecast is for periods of sunshine and showers in the afternoon and evening.
In Rio Grande do Sul, these blows can happen at any time. The coast of Santa Catarina it has sun and rain at any time.
Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Rondônia, in the center-west of Acre, Amazonas, Roraima, in Pará (except in the north of the state) and in Tocantins, on Saturday has periods with sun and rain with lightning mainly in the afternoon and evening.
Periods with sun and rain in the interior of Maranhão, central north and south of Piauí and in the interior of Bahia. In Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, east of Paraíba and Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe and in the east of Bahia, a sunny day and passing rain.
Photo of Gleive Marcio, Palmas (TO)
Weather alerts for today
Dangerous situation, with a lot of rain and persistent in the north of São Paulo and in the Triángulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba (MG).
This Saturday, most of the areas of the North, Midwest, Southeast, the entire South Region, in the West and the Bay Coast, They spend the day paying attention to moderate to heavy rain, lightning, and moderate to strong wind.
Saturday with alert for storms in Roraima, north and east of Amazonas, south of Pará, Tocantins, south of Maranhão and Piauí.
They are also on alert for storms the Federal District, Goiás and the center-north, east and south of Mato Grosso, the west, north and east of Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo, south of Rio de Janeiro and south of Minas.
Alert for thunderstorms in Espírito Santo. See!