Rhuan’s killer and I said the boy’s meat smell ‘was good’ – National


(photo: Reveals
(photo: Disclosure)

“Did you eat the boy’s meat?” “No, but it smelled good.” The stretch of a conversation by Rosana Auri da Silva Candido, I me assassin confesses to the boy Rhuan Maycon da Silva Castro, 9 years old, with a delegate. She and her partner, Kacyla Priscyla Santiago Damasceno Pessoa, were convicted of Rhuan’s death on Wednesday (25). OR Brazilian Post He had access to the sentence that shows details of the crime.

According to the document, when she was detained in evident For the murder of her son in May 2019, Rosana told the delegate in question that she did not eat the boy’s meat, but that the ‘smell was good’. She was sentenced to 65 years in prison and the other author to 64 years. Both will serve their sentences in a closed regime.

According to Judge Fabrcio Castagna Lunardi, in the Samambaia Jury Court, responsible for the sentence, he pronounced Rosana’s social conduct “totally misfitbecause, according to testimonial evidence, he is a person with a difficult coexistence in society, which also fuels a feeling of aversion and indifference towards the members of his own family, which shows disregard for the rules. policies and social parameters of behavior. “

Still second According to the judge, the crime was “coldly premeditated” at least a month in advance, since the defendant was looking for information on the internet on how to castrate and emasculate (extract the testicles and penis) to the victim. “A r [Rosana] He did not show regret, remorse or empathy with the victim, which shows a personality deviation that must be negatively valued, ”he said in the sentence.

Kacyla wouldn’t have shown repentance, remorse or empathy with the boy.

Cruel crime

In the early hours of May 31, 2019, Rosana and Kacyla stabbed Rhuan Maycon. According to the sentence, a cloth soaked with “acetone” was used in Rhuan’s mouth to prevent resistnce of the child. Furthermore, the crime was committed in the presen Kacyla’s daughter, a girl only 8 years old.

Aps we will be deferred 11 stab in the boy, he was beheaded, still alive, with a knife cutting his neck. The couple tried to incinerate what was left of the body in a grill, but as they could not, they put the parts in a suitcase and two backpacks.

Rosana walked about 1 km until she found a sewer, where she left her suitcase. When he went back to get the backpacks, a Teen, who had seen the scene, became suspicious and retrieved the object. Seeing the content, he called the police.

Rosana and Kacyla were caught in the act and confessed to the crime. One of the reasons would be the determination of the Acre Justice to suspend the payment of the child’s pension at the beginning of the month. The decision would be a tried force women to Appear, as both were wanted for Rhuan’s disappearance.
