Researchers find a new variant of coronavirus in Brazil – 03/13/2021 – Equilibrio y Salud


Researchers from Brazil have discovered a possible variant of interest for Sars-CoV-2. The strain has the E484K mutation, considered of greater attention and also found in the P.1 variants (identified in Brazil) and B.1.351 (initially observed in South Africa).

According to a study published in the virological discussion forum, the new variant was identified for the first time in São Paulo, on November 11, 2020. Researchers estimate that the strain originated in August in São Paulo, Bahia or Maranhão.

Although it has been circulating for some time, the researchers state that VOI N.9 (an expression that translated from English means variant of interest N.9) is not very frequent in the country. So far, according to the study, it has been found in Amazonas, Pará, Maranhão, Piauí, Bahia, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Sergipe, São Paulo and Santa Catarina.

The E484K mutation in protein S (which binds to human cells for invasion to occur) is striking because it has been associated with a possible immune escape.

The WHO (World Health Organization) has even issued a warning recently on the matter. The entity stated that “the mutations found in the P.1 variant can reduce neutralization by antibodies; however, more studies are needed to assess whether there are changes in the transmission, severity, or action of neutralizing antibodies as a result of this new variant. “

The action of the mutation has already been studied in the laboratory in connection with the Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna vaccines. There was a reduction in the levels of neutralizing antibodies present in the serum of the people who received the immunizers.

“We have to continue studying and monitoring this variant, but it still does not have some other related mutations, for example, with higher transmissibility”, says Marilda Mendonça Siqueira, researcher at the Fiocruz respiratory and measles virus laboratory and one of the authors the investigation.

According to Fernando Spilki, virologist professor at Feevale University (RS) and coordinator of the Corona-ômica Network, MCTI (Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations), due to the low presence of the variant in the country – found only in around 3% of samples analyzed since November 2020: can be defined as a variant of interest and, so far, not a variant of concern.

Although VOI N.9 is not yet a cause for concern, other variants present in the country, such as the aforementioned P.1 and B.1.351, in addition to B.1.1.7 (identified in the United Kingdom), bring concern and At this time, at least seven states in the country already dominate, according to another Fiocruz study.

Siqueira says that, although there are still many improvements to be made in Brazilian genomic surveillance, the country has managed to monitor strains that deserve attention in a relatively short time.

The concern, however, is the serious moment of a total uncontrolled pandemic in the country, which may lead to many other variants emerging. The new wave of Covid has triggered the death toll in the main cities of the country.

“If the pandemic continues with this transmissibility, with part of the people not worried about wearing a mask, with distance, this will make it easier for the virus to spread more, multiply more in different human organisms, which may increase the possibility that we have more variants in our country ”, says Siqueira.

It is in multiplication that the problem lives. Errors in the process of copying genetic material end up generating random mutations, often useless, but others, with the potential for improvements in the virus’ ability to spread, for example. Therefore, the more a virus circulates and multiplies, the greater the chance that mutations will appear.

Spilki says that the space given to the circulating virus and the insufficient restriction measures have meant that we now have to live with more worrying national variants, such as P.1 and P.2 (observed in Rio de Janeiro and also with the E484K mutation). ).

“It really would have been necessary for us to have taken much more effective measures to try to contain the diversification of the virus,” says Spilki.
