Republicans already advocate for Biden to have access to information for the transition | National newspaper


Five days after the release of the US election results, most members of the Republican Party are still reluctant to acknowledge the victory of Democrat Joe Biden. But some argue that it has access to the information necessary for the transition of government.

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine said Joe Biden is president-elect. At least five Republican senators, even without acknowledging Biden’s victory, argued that Donald Trump would authorize the Democrat’s access to daily intelligence reports. Among them were Lindsey Graham, a close ally of the president, and Republican Senator James Lankford, who said: “We still don’t know who the president will be, but they should both get it. We will make sure both sides are prepared.”

Even without access to the information and resources that President Donald Trump refuses to provide for the transition, President-elect Joe Biden is making progress on the government project and the formation of his team. Biden announced to his chief of staff, an election aligned with two priorities: the pandemic and the economic crisis.

Ron Klain was Biden’s chief of staff when he was vice president. In 2009, he participated in the Obama administration’s economic recovery plan and coordinated the fight against the Ebola outbreak in 2014.

On Thursday (12), the president-elect spoke with Pope Francis by phone and said he wants the two to work together on humanitarian causes, such as that of immigrants and refugees, and to tackle the climate crisis.

President Donald Trump has again raised unfounded doubts about the election result. In Massachusetts, Secretary of State William Gavin said it was time for Republicans to explain the reality to Trump.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security said Thursday night that the Nov. 3 election was the most reliable election in the nation’s history and that there is no evidence of ballots knocked out, lost, adulterated or anything else. that compromises the electoral process.
