René terrifies Tereza Cristina on suspicion of murder · TV News


René (Dalton Vigh) will be the first person to suspect the murder that Tereza Cristina (Christiane Torloni) will commit in Fina Estampa. After killing a gangster by throwing him from the top of his house, the lady will have an outbreak with the ghost. The chef will see this, but will only be intrigued when he finds a revolver in the woman’s belongings and sees a hole in the wall made by a bullet. The shrew will panic at your suspicions.

Patrícia’s father (Adriana Birolli) will link the events, unaware of the death of the bad character played by Luciano Chiarolli. The dondoca will find a way to pay for a security guard to disappear with the body of his mansion.

She will commit the crime after the gangster appears at her house blackmailing her with his secret. The man will come from the United States after Iris (Eva Wilma) and will discover what Tereza Cristina hides so much by chance.

Sure that he will take a fortune from her, he will come to her house to ask for money. The scenes will air next week on the 9 o’clock soap that Globo reproaches due to the coronavirus pandemic. With the revolver in hand, the Dalton Vigh character will awaken the woman and show her the discovery with her still in bed.

The expression of the cook’s interpreter will make the audience think that he is sure that the mother of his children is lying. “Get this dangerous thing out of our bed”, Griselda’s enemy (Lilia Cabral) will be scared.

“You don’t recognize him? Do you know what I discovered? A bullet is missing. Coincidentally, there’s a hole in the wall that could only have been made with a bullet. The funny thing is that that hole wasn’t there last night. And the only person he passed All this time here, it was you, “says René.

“Yes, so what?”, Tereza Cristina will respond. “Do you want me to call the crime institute to confirm that the bullet stuck in the wall came out of that gun?” Asks the chef. The “Queen of the Nile” will lie. He will claim that he pulled the gun out of the drawer and inadvertently fired it. Even so, the cook will leave the house suspicious.

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