Raúl Gil enters the ICU with lung perforation


The presenter Raul Gil, from SBT, returned to the hospital last Friday (1st) and is in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Albert Einstein Hospital, in São Paulo, with a hemothorax (blood shed in the pleural cavity) due aa perforation in the lung.

At the age of 82, Raúl Gil fell down the stairs on Easter Sunday, April 12, bit two ribs, was admitted and released on April 20, before returning to the hospital.

According to a medical bulletin, the presenter underwent surgery to correct hemothorax, which “occurred without complications”, “is stable, breathes without the use of devices” and remains under observation in the ICU. SBT staff said the presenter is doing well.

Raul Gil took a coronavirus and the result was negative. “He stayed in a flat separate from coronavirus patients, both he and his son Raúl Gil Júnior [diretor de TV, conhecido como Raulzinho] did the test, ”reported the presenter’s staff after discharge from the first hospitalization.
