Ramos testified in the investigation into whether President Jair Bolsonaro attempted to interfere with the PF. On April 24, when he left the government, Moro declared that Bolsonaro interfered with the corporation by dismissing Maurício Valeixo from the position of director general.
“[Ramos disse] that on the afternoon of April 23, the declarant [Ramos], on his own initiative and without the knowledge of President Jair Bolsonaro, he decided to call ex-minister Sergio Moro with the aim of seeking a solution to the stagnation in the change of the director general.
“[Ramos também disse] that the declarant [Ramos] he asked ex-minister Sergio Moro if he would accept an intermediate solution in which a list with other names would be presented so that the declarant could take it to the President of the Republic for his consideration. ”
According to Luiz Eduardo Ramos, Moro responded approximately an hour later, “bluntly”, which would indicate “only the name of the delegate of the Federal Police Disney Rossetti and who, in addition, would not accept to hear more in exchange for superintendents or director-general” .
The testimony was given at the Planalto Palace. In addition to Ramos, Ministers Walter Souza Braga Netto (Casa Civil) and Augusto Heleno (Office of Institutional Security) gave testimony on Tuesday. click on the minister’s name to find out how the testimony went.
Generals Braga Netto, Augusto Heleno and Luiz Eduardo Ramos give testimony
The PDT questioned the nomination, and STF Minister Alexandre de Moraes suspended Bolsonaro’s act.
With the suspension, Ramage returned to the post of director general of the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin), and the delegate Rolando Alexandre de Souza, subordinate to Ramage in Abin, was appointed new director general of PF.
In testimony given in the investigation, Maurício Valeixo said Bolsonaro told him that he wanted someone with “greater affinity” for the position of PF general manager.
According to Luiz Eduardo Ramos, in the first fortnight of April, President Bolsonaro “raised” the name of Ramage to replace Valeixo. At that time, according to the minister, Bolsonaro indicated that Ramage was “a person of his trust and appreciation.”
Bolsonaro says he did not quote the words Federal Police and Superintendent at a meeting
According to Sergio Moro, at the ministerial meeting on April 22, Bolsonaro He accused him of the change of command of the PF.
The recording of this meeting was sent to the Supreme Court by order of Minister Celso de Mello. The content was shown Tuesday to Moro, the Attorney General’s Office, and the PF.
When asked about the matter on Tuesday, Ramos said that: “On two occasions, he heard the President of the Republic complain about the need for more intelligence for decision-making, and that, however, at the meeting of April 22, April, he nominated Abin organs, the Armed Forces, the Federal Police, the Military Police of the states and, if others were mentioned, I don’t remember. ”
For the minister, there may have been a “misinterpretation” by Moro about what Bolsonaro meant.
Also in testimony this Tuesday, Minister Augusto Heleno (Office of Institutional Security) addressed the issue:
“In relation to the meeting of April 22, 2020, the records of which were requested by the Supreme Federal Court, the declarant [Heleno] clarifies that on that occasion the President of the Republic generally accused all the ministers in the intelligence area, he also complained about the lack of intelligence information that was transmitted to them to subsidize his decisions, making specific appointments about his personal safety, about Abin, in the PF and in the Ministry of Defense. ”
In a conversation with journalists in Planalto, President Jair Bolsonaro said that the recording should have been destroyed and that, at the meeting, he did not mention the words “Federal Police”, “superintendency” or “superintendent”.
Ramos’ testimony records that, at first, the minister said: “It was not mentioned by the president that, if he could not change the director general of the Federal Police or the superintendent of the Federal Police in the state of Rio de Janeiro, he [Bolsonaro] exchange the minister himself [Moro]”
Then, according to the testimony, Ramos changed the version to: “It is not remembered if it was mentioned by the president that if he could not change the director general of the Federal Police or the superintendent of the Federal Police in the state of Rio de Janeiro, would change ministering. ”
Another change made by Ramos was in the following excerpt: “In the presence of the declarant, this was not said at the April 22 meeting or at any other time.”
The minister changed the testimony to: “He does not remember whether this was said in the presence of the declarant at the April 22 meeting or at any other time.”
In announcing his resignation, Moro mentioned moments when Bolsonaro attempted to change the PF command in Rio de Janeiro.
In a statement, the former minister said Bolsonaro told him: “You have 27 superintendencies, I only want one.”
In his statement to the PF on Tuesday, Luiz Eduardo Ramos said he did not know if the President of the Republic “has a habit” of appointing state superintendents of the Federal Police.