The intense and extreme rain that hit Santa Catarina between yesterday (16) and today (17) left at least 12 dead in the Alto Vale do Itajaí region. According to the Civil Defense, there were nine deaths in the city of Presidente Getúlio. Two deaths were confirmed in Rio do Sul and one in Ibirama. There have been occurrences in cities of Vale do Itajaí and Greater Florianópolis with landslides and floods. There are missing, but the authorities have not reported the number.
What happened in Santa Catarina? After a few days of instability and rain in Santa Catarina, yesterday a mass of hot and humid air of tropical origin was operating over the southern region of Brazil at the same time as a poorly organized cold front was slowly advancing over the Atlantic Ocean along the coast. gaucho.
This system induced an overnight burrow to the surface between the northern fringe of Río Grande and southern Santa Catarina (image).
Dense and loaded cumulonimbus formed over Santa Catarina, just in front of the trough, where convection is more favored by the acceleration of vertical movements.
This situation ended up generating heavy to intense and very voluminous rains in several points, especially in the eastern fringe since the afternoon, but, above all, during the night.
One of the most affected areas was the Itajaí Valley, where in addition to the convective formations caused by the heat, the organization of the pressure field on the surface established by the proximity of the frontal system, favored the confluence of the winds from the Northeast / This is responsible for concentrating even more moisture in areas along the coast.
This boosted the rain in the hillside areas (orographic rain), even in clouds with less vertical development. São José and Garopaba were between 100 mm and 130 mm. In Presidente Getúlio, the most affected municipality, rainfall reached 200 mm. (Meteorologist Luiz Fernando Nachtigall)