Raí remains in São Paulo until February 2021 | Saint Paul


Raí will remain in São Paulo until February 2021.

The executive director met with president-elect Julio Casares this Friday afternoon and decided to stay, after receiving the invitation to continue until the end of the season.

– It is with great joy to announce the sequence of Raí in São Paulo Futebol Clube until the end of the Brazilian Championship. Within this transition and professionalization process that we are going to implement in the club, we have also agreed to hire Muricy Ramalho.

– Before even settling with Raí, we had already spoken with Fernando Diniz and we had given him and his coaching staff the necessary stability, which will gain even more support with the arrival of Muricy. Thus, we will have security and reliability to start a management that will work hard to put the club where it deserves. We continue together for São Paulo Futebol Clube – said Julio Casares.

Despite Raí’s continuity, soccer coach Alexandre Bird should not remain in São Paulo in 2021. On the other hand, deputy director Chapecó must also remain in the department.

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Raí will continue in São Paulo until February 2021 – Photo: Marcos Ribolli

On his instagram, Raí confirmed his stay after talking with Casares (look down).

– Today I spoke with the president-elect Júlio Casares and accepted the invitation to continue as Soccer Executive until February 21. I received this invitation in recognition of the work done by the entire team – said Raí.

– I returned to São Paulo FC to collaborate with the institution that I love. Make the team dream again, dispute titles and, most importantly, rescue their identity. The road is still long. We still have nothing to celebrate. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but it could be said that we dream again and we have an identity. We are very much alive. This is São Paulo – he added.

After February, Raí plans to rest for a few months. After that, Casares has the idea of ​​having the idol in the direction again as an international ambassador for the São Paulo brand.

With the future of Raí defined, Casares will now focus on hiring the new soccer executive director. Rodrigo Caetano (International) is the name with the most advanced negotiation and the favorite for the position, but the confirmation of the permanence of Raí will give Casares more time to discuss the issue in 2021.

The São Paulo football department in 2021 will also have Muricy Ramalho as the technical coordinator and executive director of the base. Casares’ invitation to Kaká is to participate in the Advanced Football Committee (CAF), an advisory body that will not make final decisions.

Kaka’s role would be voluntary and unpaid. He would even follow his experience in sports management in São Paulo.
