R $ 600 grant: MPF requests review of denied orders


The MPF-CE (Federal Public Ministry of Ceará) requested that the applications denied by the emergency help reevaluated by the Federal Government and by Dataprev (Social Security Information and Technology Company). The request is valid for all of Brazil and was made by the lawyer Oscar Costa Filho.

For it to take effect, the court must consider Oscar Costa Filho’s request. The prosecutor stated that the MPF-CE received several cases of denied requests. The agency does not have access to information on how many requests were denied.

Emergency aid was created as a benefit for informal workers during the new coronavirus pandemic. OR profit of R $ 600 paid for three months to whoever is approved. However, attorney Oscar Costa Filho stated that many of those who had rejected an application alleged a lack of transparency in the system, as well as a lack of information on why registration was denied.

The proposed mandate suspends the negative. With it, the government and Dataprev would have to re-analyze the denied records and provide information for the beneficiary to appeal.

Find out who can get emergency help.

The project amends a 1993 law, which deals with the organization of social assistance in the country. According to the text, during the three-month period, R $ 600 emergency aid will be granted to workers who, at the same time, meet the following requirements:

  • you are over 18 years old;
  • he has no formal job;
  • you do not have a social security or assistance benefit, are unemployed, or have a federal income transfer program, except for family allowance;
  • monthly per capita income is up to half the minimum wage or total monthly family income is up to three minimum wages;
  • that in 2018 it did not receive taxable income above R $ 28,559.70.

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Aid will be cut in case of non-compliance with the above requirements. The text also makes clear that the worker must exercise activity on the condition that:

  • individual microentrepreneur (MEI); or
  • individual taxpayer to the General Social Security System who works for himself; or
  • Informal worker, whether employed or self-employed, registered in the Federal Government’s Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico), until March 20, 2020, or who meets the monthly family income criteria mentioned above.

From now on, the proposal establishes that only two people from the same family can cumulatively receive emergency aid and the Bolsa Família benefit, and the Bolsa Família benefit can be temporarily replaced by emergency aid, if the amount of aid is more advantageous to the beneficiary. . The worker, the head of the family, will receive R $ 1,200.

How to request assistance

Workers can request the R $ 600 emergency aid in the following ways:

  1. Finally, the citizen must, at first, access the official page of the Caixa website (https://auxilio.caixa.gov.br/#/inicio);
  2. Therefore, on the next page, the requirements necessary to qualify for emergency aid from R $ 600 to R $ 1,200 are shown;
  3. After that, the informal worker must fill in information such as full name, CPF and date of birth;
  4. 4 4. Shortly after, it will be necessary to complete the cell phone number to receive a verification code by SMS;
  5. As soon as it arrives by SMS, the verification code must be placed in the “code received” field;
  6. After that, the citizen must report the income, the branch of activity (the options offered by the system are Agriculture and Livestock, Extraction / Fishing, Commerce, Production of goods, Provision of services, Domestic work, Others), state and city ;
  7. The worker then chooses whether they want to receive an existing account or create digital savings;
  8. The worker can choose whether they want to receive the aid amount in an existing account or create a digital savings account;
  9. After reporting the option, the worker must provide their document (RG or CNH;
  10. Then come the data provided by the worker;
  11. In conclusion, on the final screen, a warning appears that the request for emergency help is being analyzed.

See also: Two PIS / PASEP withdrawals with a value of up to R $ 1,045 are released
