R $ 300 grant: Congress requests changes in PAYMENT


Recently, the government published Provisional Measure 1,000 / 2020, which speaks of the extension of emergency aid for another four installments of R $ 300. The MP received 262 amendments in the National Congress. Most of the parliamentarians asked for an increase in the value of the quotas.

According to the MP, the extension will be paid between September and December. The amount of the extension will be half of what was paid between April and August. The extension was dubbed “residual emergency aid.” It will not be necessary to make a new registration; beneficiaries already approved, and still eligible, will automatically receive the new fees.

Among the deputies who spoke out in favor of the higher value parcels were José Guimarães (PT-CE), Kim Kataguiri (DEM-SP) and Jandira Feghali (PCdoB-RJ). Senator Eliziane Gama (Cidadania-MA) suggested that fees of R $ 600 be paid only to families with young children, stating that they need more attention.

Deputies such as Alessandro Molon (PSB-RJ), Elias Vaz (PSB-GO) and Mauro Nazif (PSB-RO) suggest that the beneficiaries of Bolsa Família continue to receive fees of R $ 600. There are still proposals that ask for flexibility in the prerequisites. , as an end to the mandatory registration in the CPF or declared income lower than R $ 28,559.70 in 2019 The government recently published the Provisional Measure (MP) 1,000 / 2020, which talks about the extension of emergency aid in four more installments R $ 300. The MP received 262 amendments in the National Congress, which may suggest changes until September 8. Most of the parliamentarians asked for an increase in the value of the quotas.

According to the MP, the extension will be paid between September and December. The amount of the extension will be half of what was paid between April and August. The extension was dubbed “residual emergency aid.” It will not be necessary to make a new registration; Beneficiaries already approved, and still eligible, will automatically receive the new fees.

Among the deputies who spoke out in favor of the higher value parcels are José Guimarães (PT-CE), Kim Kataguiri (DEM-SP) and Jandira Feghali (PCdoB-RJ). Senator Eliziane Gama (Cidadania-MA) suggested that fees of R $ 600 be paid only to families with young children, stating that they need more attention.

Deputies such as Alessandro Molon (PSB-RJ), Elias Vaz (PSB-GO) and Mauro Nazif (PSB-RO) suggest that the beneficiaries of Bolsa Família continue to receive fees of R $ 600. There are still proposals that ask for flexibility in the prerequisites. , as an end to the mandatory registration before the CPF or income declared less than R $ 28,559.70 in 2019.

The R $ 300 grant has a calendar released from the 6th to the 9th installment

The payment schedule from the 6th to the 9th delivery of the emergency aid of R $ 300 (total of R $ 1,200) was officially announced. According to the statement:

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  • Digital savings deposits end on December 29;
  • Withdrawals and transfers will run until January 27, 2021.

As published in the ordinance, the Ministry confirms that not all Brazilians will receive the four extra installments of R $ 300. The sooner the beneficiary starts receiving the aid, the more fees he or she will receive at the end of the year.

See below for all the published dates and how many installments you should receive.

The total amount of the fees to which the citizen will be entitled will depend on when she began to receive the aid. The maximum is nine installments, the first five of R $ 600 and the last four of R $ 300.

  • Who received the first delivery in April: 9 pitches
  • Who received the first delivery in May: 8 installments
  • Who received the first delivery in June: 7 installments
  • Who received the first delivery in July: 6 installments
  • Who received the last installment of R $ 600 in August: you will receive 4 installments of R $ 300 in September, October, November and December;
  • Who received the last installment of R $ 600 in September: you will receive 3 installments of R $ 300 in October, November and December;
  • Who received the last installment of R $ 600 in October: you will receive 2 installments of R $ 300 in the months of November and December;
  • Who received the last installment of R $ 600 in November: you will receive only 1 payment of R $ 300, in December.

According to the Government, whoever has disputed via digital platform between July 20 and August 25, and is considered eligible, will receive a total of 4 installments of R $ 600, starting from Cycle 3.

Thus, these people will not be entitled to any part of the so-called residual emergency aid, of R $ 300.

Women heads of households are entitled to two quotas:

  • the first five installments are R $ 1,200,
  • the last four installments are R $ 600.