Queiroz without Bolsonaro would be Piolín without Frajola – 12/16/2020


“Queiroz also paid my bill,” Bolsonaro said in an interview with Datena. “He was trustworthy.” Hummmm !!!

Since December 2018, when the Bolsonaro family’s crack operator made headlines, the captain knows that the crisis would come at a cost.

The first-born Flávio Bolsonaro escapes the bill by lining up dilatory resources in the containers of the Judicial Power. It is as if he wanted to include the prescription card in the deck.

The patriarch is dedicated to pretending to be persecuted. “The pressure on my son is that he hit me. It is not only about my son, it is about my wife, ex-wife, other children, my relatives, friends who are on my side …”

Without asking Datena, Bolsonaro cited the R $ 89,000 gift that Queiroz and his wife sprinkled on First Lady Michelle’s account.

When he was able to explain, he complicated: “Are we going to find out? Let’s go. But each with his height. And do not massacre all the time as if you massacre my wife.”

What keeps Michelle at stake is the lack of explanation. If something is being sacrificed it is the intelligence of others.

At the moment, only Fabrício Queiroz has failed. After grating a season in Bangu 8, he drags an anklet home, along with his wife Márcia Aguiar.

Bolsonaro caresses his friend: “Since the process was broken, I have not spoken with him. Now, he too is being wronged. Why?”

Taken by the words, the president seems to live the syndrome of what is to come. It is as if Frajola was afraid of a whistleblower, or of his wife.
